
leishmania (viannia) braziliensis: biological behavior in golden hamsters of isolates from argentine patients.this study reports intraspecific variations of native isolates of leishmania (viannia) braziliensis from patients with leishmaniasis from salta, argentina. these isolates induced skin lesions in golden hamsters, initially showing rapid development, reaching their largest size between 28 and 35 days postinfection (pi). thereafter, the infections were self-limiting and total regression was observed at 80-150 days pi. the majority of the native isolates were characterized by low infectivity in the ...19979242330
[tegumental leishmaniasis in las lomitas, province of formosa, argentina, 1992-2001].las lomitas hospital reported 85 cases of tegumentary leishmaniasis between 1992 and 2001. the cases were males (72.9%), 91.8% older than 10 years, 10.5% presented mucosae involvement. a single ulcer on lower limbs was the most frequent manifestation. the epidemiological and clinical patterns were consistent with the infection due to leishmania (viannia) braziliensis. the annual distribution of ulcers onset was bimodal, the frequency of cases had a significant association with the bermejo river ...200212532691
species assignation of leishmania from human and canine american tegumentary leishmaniasis cases by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis in north argentina.sixteen leishmania stocks, 15 isolated from patients with cutaneous (cl), mucocutaneous (mcl), or recurrent cutaneous leishmaniasis, plus one from a dog with cl in salta and corrientes provinces, argentina, were studied by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. thirteen of the stocks from humans were grouped in two zymodemes; nine termed as kms 1, four as kms 2, and assigned to leishmania (viannia) braziliensis. two additional stocks from cl cases expressed a kms 4 enzyme profile, corresponding to l ...200515891136
distribution of phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) in a primary forest-crop interface, salta, argentina.disordered urbanization and deforestation are the main activities proposed as causal factors of re-emergence of american cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by leishmania braziliensis. the purpose of this work was to investigate, in the hyperendemic area of argentina, the distribution of phlebotomine sand flies at the modified primary vegetation-crop interface, as one of the potential sites where the effects of changing landscape on sand fly populations may be manifested. twenty samplings were made b ...201021175047
restricted outbreak of american tegumentary leishmaniasis with high microfocal transmission.cutaneous leishmaniasis is endemic in salta, the northwestern province of argentina. we describe an outbreak involving five recreational hunters whose exposure was limited to several hours in a residual patch of primary forest. all patients presented with typical cutaneous lesions after a mean incubation period of 59 days (range 15-78), and one developed simultaneous mucosal involvement. polymerase chain reaction analysis of lesions confirmed leishmania (v.) braziliensis as the etiologic agent i ...201323339200
phlebotominae of epidemiological importance in cutaneous leishmaniasis in northwestern argentina: risk maps and ecological niche argentina, 58.2% out of the 8126 cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) incident cases accumulated from 1954 to 2006 were reported in the provinces of salta and jujuy. the aim of this study was to develop an exploratory risk map and a potential distribution map of the vector, in order to offer recommendations for cl prevention. a total of 12 079 phlebotominae (diptera: psychodidae) belonging to the species lutzomyia neivai (pinto), lu. migonei (frança), lu. cortelezzii (brèthes), lu. shannoni (dyar), l ...201322827261
natural infection of lutzomyia neivai with leishmania spp. in northwestern argentina.the natural infection of lutzomyia neivai with leishmania in the endemic area of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) in northwestern argentina was analyzed by the polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-hybridization technique. phlebotominae sand flies were captured in the provinces of tucumán and salta between 1999 and 2003. from a sample of 440 lu. neivai females analysed for the detection of the leishmania (viannia) and leishmania (leishmania) subgenera, 9.1% of the samples resulted infected with ...200616529708
clinical status and parasitic infection in a wichí aboriginal community in salta, a study, carried out in 2000, of the clinical and parasitological status of a wichi aboriginal community living in the suburbs of tartagal, northern salta, argentina, 154 individuals were screened for parasitic infections. ninety-five faecal samples were also obtained from the same population. ninety-three percent of the subjects were positive for 1 or more of the parasites investigated by direct test and 70.5% of them had parasitic superinfection. the most frequent helminths were strongyloid ...200315307425
[tegumentary leishmaniasis in area with epidemic levels of transmission, salta, argentina, 1998].the incidence of tegumentary leishmaniasis increased in october 1997, in an area close to oran city, province of salta. the leishmaniasis' epidemiology and the entomology of this outbreak were studied during june 1998 at paraje las carmelitas and río blanco, places with high reported incidence. the prevalence of infection (montenegro skin test reactive) was 171/1000 inhabitants in paraje las carmelitas and 790/1000 in río blanco, while the rates of leishmaniasis' incidence (active ulcers) were 7 ...200111474875
molecular and biologic characterization of leishmania parasites implicated in an epidemic outbreak in northwestern argentina.leishmania (viannia) braziliensis and its variants were implicated in the epidemic outbreak of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis that occurred in salta, northwestern argentina, in 1985. a total of 24 suspected, untreated cases were evaluated clinically and parasitologically. four of five stable isolates were consistent with the reference strain of l. (v.) braziliensis as determined by monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence or radioimmunobinding assays. zymodeme analysis in agarose gels ...200010894479
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