
diagnosis of cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in colombia: a comparison of seven methods of diagnosing leishmaniasis were compared in 177 patients presenting with lesions of the skin (165) or mucosa (12) in tumaco and cali, colombia. the three methods of visualizing amastigotes in tissue samples (histological staining of tissue sections, impression smears of punch biopsies, and smears of dermal scraping from slits in the lesion margins) were less sensitive than the four leishmania isolation methods (aspiration of lesion border cultured in biphasic media, aspirate inocu ...19872437815
leishmaniasis in colombia. i. studies on the phlebotomine fauna associated with endemic foci in the pacific coast region.studies on the phlebotomine fauna related to the leishmaniasis endemic foci of the colombian pacific coast were carried out in the municipalities of tumaco and buenaventura. in inguapí del guadual, tumaco, lutzomyia trapidoi and lu. gomezi were the predominant anthropophilic species; lu. panamensis and lu. hartmanni were less frequent. in bajo calima, buenaventura, lu. trapidoi represented over 94% of the anthropophilic sandflies. continuous sampling from 1800 to 0600 hours in inguapí del guadua ...19883177739
phlebotomine sandflies associated with a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in valle del cauca, colombia.a survey was made of the phlebotomine sandfly fauna of la guaira, a village with coffee plantations near cali, colombia, from which cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis had been reported due to leishmania (viannia) panamensis and le. (v.) braziliensis. among six species of sandfly collected on human bait, lutzomyia youngi was most important in terms of biting nuisance. lu.columbiana, lu.lichyi and lu.scorzai as well as lu.youngi adults occurred throughout the year. sandfly man-biting activi ...19957548944
molecular identification of vectors of leishmania in colombia: mitochondrial introgression in the lutzomyia townsendi series.the identity of the sandfly vectors of leishmania braziliensis in valle del cauca department, colombia, was originally given as lutzomyia townsendi, but then changed to l. youngi, another member of the l. townsendi series (verrucarum group) with isomorphic females. to identify members of this series in valle del cauca, we analyzed the nuclear gene elongation factor-alpha (ef-alpha) and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (cyt b). dna sequences from the l. verrucarum series (l. columbiana, l. eva ...200212443799
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