
characterization and classification of leishmanial parasites from humans, wild mammals, and sand flies in the amazon region of brazil.ninety-four leishmanial isolates from the brazilian amazon region (amapá, amazonas, pará, and rondônia) were identified and classified using specific monoclonal antibodies and an indirect radioimmunoassay (serodeme analysis); eighty-two were also characterized by enzyme electrophoresis (zymodeme analysis), the results of which were subjected to a numerical phenetic analysis. six isolates from humans (3), didelphis marsupialis (1), lutzomyia olmeca nociva (1), and lu, reducta (1) showed reactivit ...19911858968
identification and distribution of new world leishmania species characterized by serodeme analysis using monoclonal antibodies.five hundred thirty stocks of leishmania isolated from human and domestic and wild reservoir hosts, representing a wide geographic distribution of endemic foci of american cutaneous (acl) and visceral leishmaniases (avl) were characterized and identified at species and/or subspecies levels based on their reactivity to a cross-panel of specific monoclonal antibodies using a radioimmune binding assay. this study confirms and extends our preliminary results on the high specificity of some of these ...19873826486
flagellate infections of brazilian sand flies (diptera: psychodidae): isolation in vitro and biochemical identification of endotrypanum and leishmania.flagellate infections were found in 1,063 of 18,895 sand flies collected in the states of amazonas, pará, rondonia and acre, brazil. infection rates were 13.4% (species group shannoni); 7.5% (subgenus nyssomyia); 6.7% (subgenus lutzomyia series cruciata); 0.5% (genus psychodopygus) and 3.1% for other sand flies (various subgenera). leishmania braziliensis guyanensis and l. mexicana amazonensis were isolated, respectively, from the known vectors, lutzomyia umbratilis and l. flaviscutellata. singl ...19853938924
recent observations on the sand fly (diptera: psychodidae) fauna of the state of rondônia, western amazônia, brazil: the importance of psychdopygus davisi as a vector of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis.sand flies were collected in the central region of the state of rondônia (w 64 degrees 30' to 63 degrees 00' and s 10 degrees 00'to 11 degrees 00') using shannon and cdc light traps from october 1997 to august 2000. a total of 85,850 specimens representing 78 named species were captured. of these 14 were new records for rondônia. the proportion of males/females was 1/1.131. trypanosomatids, that are presently being identified, were detected in 11 species. leishmania (viannia) naiffi was recorded ...200314595450
mucosal leishmaniasis caused by leishmania (viannia) braziliensis and leishmania (viannia) guyanensis in the brazilian amazon.leishmania (viannia) braziliensis is a parasite recognized as the most important etiologic agent of mucosal leishmaniasis (ml) in the new world. in amazonia, seven different species of leishmania, etiologic agents of human cutaneous leishmaniasis, have been described. isolated cases of ml have been described for several different species of leishmania: l. (v.) panamensis, l. (v.) guyanensis and l. (l.) amazonensis.201121408116
further evidence of an association between the presence of leishmania rna virus 1 and the mucosal manifestations in tegumentary leishmaniasis patients.tegumentary leishmaniasis (tl) is endemic in latin america, and brazil contributes approximately 20 thousand cases per year. the pathogenesis of tl, however, is still not fully understood. clinical manifestations vary from cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) to more severe outcomes, such as disseminated leishmaniasis (dl), mucosal leishmaniasis (ml) and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (dcl). many factors have been associated with the severity of the disease and the development of lesions. recent studie ...201526372217
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