
identification and distribution of new world leishmania species characterized by serodeme analysis using monoclonal antibodies.five hundred thirty stocks of leishmania isolated from human and domestic and wild reservoir hosts, representing a wide geographic distribution of endemic foci of american cutaneous (acl) and visceral leishmaniases (avl) were characterized and identified at species and/or subspecies levels based on their reactivity to a cross-panel of specific monoclonal antibodies using a radioimmune binding assay. this study confirms and extends our preliminary results on the high specificity of some of these ...19873826486
observations on the sandfly (diptera: psychodidae) fauna of além paraíba, state of minas gerais, brazil, and the isolation of a parasite of the leishmania braziliensis complex from psychodopygus hirsuta hirsuta.dissection of 765 sandflies captured in além paraíba (the type locality of leishmania braziliensis) resulted in the isolation, from psychodopygus hirsuta hirsuta, of a parasite of the le. braziliensis complex.19853837173
outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the rio doce valley, minas gerais, brazil. 19948524056
natural infection of a domestic cat (felis domesticus) with leishmania (viannia) in the metropolitan region of belo horizonte, state of minas gerais, brazil. 19968734945
the molecular detection of different leishmania species within sand flies from a cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis sympatric area in southeastern brazil.over the last 20 years, there has been an increase in the number of leishmaniasis cases in brazil. belo horizonte (bh) is one of the most highly populated brazilian cities that is affected by visceral leishmaniasis (vl). the health services in bh are coordinated by a central nucleus that is subdivided into nine sanitary districts. historically, the highest level of human vl cases was found in the northeast sanitary district (nsd). the objective of our study was to detect leishmania infection in ...201021225201
wild, synanthropic and domestic hosts of leishmania in an endemic area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in minas gerais state, brazil.domestic, synanthropic and wild hosts of leishmania spp. parasites were studied in an area endemic for american tegumentary leishmaniasis (atl), specifically in northern minas gerais state, brazil. domestic dogs and small forest mammals are reservoir hosts for l. (leishmania) infantum. however, the role that these animals play in the transmission cycle of the leishmania spp. that cause cutaneous leishmaniasis is not well known. this study evaluated 72 rodents, 25 marsupials and 98 domestic dogs ...201121890159
population structure and evidence for both clonality and recombination among brazilian strains of the subgenus leishmania (viannia).parasites of the subgenus leishmania (viannia) cause varying clinical symptoms ranging from cutaneous leishmaniases (cl) with single or few lesions, disseminated cl (dl) with multiple lesions to disfiguring forms of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (mcl). in this population genetics study, 37 strains of l. (v.) guyanensis, 63 of l. (v.) braziliensis, four of l. (v.) shawi, six of l. (v.) lainsoni, seven of l. (v.) naiffi, one each of l. (v.) utingensis and l. (v.) lindenbergi, and one l. (v.) lainson ...201324205418
the phlebotomine sand flies fauna in parque estadual do rio doce, minas gerais, brazil.phlebotomine sand flies are dipterans of the family psychodidae. they are very important to veterinary medicine because some species are vectors of infective forms of leishmania spp., the etiological agents of leishmaniasis. the parque estadual do rio doce is located in an area with constant reports of cases of leishmaniasis. in order to better understanding the phlebotamine sand fly fauna of the park, the present work was undertaken with the goal of analyzing phlebotomine sand flies collected t ...201526626880
ecological aspects of the phlebotominae fauna (diptera: psychodidae) in the xakriabá indigenous reserve, brazil.sand fly collections were performed to study ecological aspects of the phlebotominae fauna of the xakriabá indigenous reserve, an area with endemic cutaneous leishmaniasis, located in the state of minas gerais, brazil.201424886717
molecular detection of leishmania in phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) from a cutaneous leishmaniasis focus atxakriabá indigenous reserve, brazil.autochthonous cases of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) have been reported since 2001 in the xakriabá indigenous reserve located in the municipality of são joão das missões in northern minas gerais state, brazil. in order to study the presence of leishmania dna in phlebotomine sand flies, six entomological collections were carried out from july 2008 through july 2009, using 40 light traps placed in peridomicile areas of 20 randomly selected houses. from october 2011 through august 2012, an ...201525853254
survey of sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) in an environmentally protected area in brazil.brazil is one of the most important endemic areas for leishmaniasis worldwide. protected areas that are tourist attractions likely present an important risk of transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl). furthermore, with the geographical expansion of visceral leishmaniasis (vl), several studies have recorded the occurrence of its vector, lutzomyia longipalpis, and cases of human and canine vl in such tourist areas. the parque estadual do sumidouro is an environmentally protected area located ...201526267484
epidemiological studies of an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the rio jequitinhonha valley, minas gerais, brazil.we detected an outbreak of american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the jequitinhonha river valley, minas gerais, brazil. clinical and epidemiological aspects were studied for a period of two years. data include results of physical examinations, montenegro skin test and serology. in total 72 of the 299 individuals evaluated presented active lesions. only one case out of these 72 patients showed the mucosal form of the disease. the precarious sanitary conditions, low educational level and low income f ...200211801221
use of dna-based diagnostic methods for human leishmaniasis in minas gerais, brazil.dna hybridisation was used to type 26 samples from lesions of human patients from the rio doce valley (minas gerais, brazil) clinically diagnosed as having cutaneous leishmaniasis, using kinetoplast dna (kdna) cloned mini-circle probes specific for the leishmania mexicana and leishmania braziliensis complexes. all samples were found to belong to the l. braziliensis complex. when biopsies were pressed directly onto touch blot membranes 38.5% of the samples were positive. the positivity and specif ...200111311189
morphometric and phenetic studies of five geographical populations of lutzomyia whitmani (diptera: psychodidae) in brazil.a morphometric survey examined adult specimens of lutzomyia whitmani (antunes & coutinho) captured at 5 municipalities in southeastern and northeastern brazil to compare the populations. the localities were ilhéus (bahia), martinho campos (minas gerais), corte de pedra (bahia), baturité (ceará), and amaraji (pernambuco): all are known foci of american cutaneous leishmaniasis. fifteen males and 15 females from each population were analyzed morphometrically for 42 and 37 characters, respectively. ...199910593089
leishmania (viannia) braziliensis is the predominant species infecting patients with american cutaneous leishmaniasis in the state of minas gerais, southeast biopsies from 53 patients with american cutaneous leishmaniasis (acl) from the state of minas gerais, brazil, were used for a characterization of the leishmania parasites. a pair of primers flanking the conserved region of the leishmania minicircle kdna was used to obtain amplified dna via the polymerase chain reaction. the amplified products were subsequently hybridized with leishmania subgenus-specific radiolabeled probes. parasites from 49 out of 53 samples (92.5%) were characterized as ...199910232781
[a canine survey in a recent focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the city of sabará, the metropolitan area of belo horizonte].in 1992, a dog naturally infected with leishmania was found in a periurban area of sabará, state of minas gerais, where human cutaneous leishmaniasis had been previously described. the parasite was classified as leishmania, subgenus viannia, which l. braziliensis, the main species of parasite present in the southeast brazil, also belongs. in order to assess the importance of the dog in the transmission cycle of the disease, a canine survey was undertaken. six hundred thirty-one dogs were examine ...19968768580
delayed hypersensitivity skin-test using leishvacin for epidemiological survey of canine cutaneous leishmaniasis in a rural area of minas gerais state, brazil. 19938139471
leishmania (viannia) braziliensis: genetic relationships between strains isolated from different areas of brazil as revealed by dna fingerprinting and rapd.leishmania (viannia) braziliensis isolates from two different geographic areas in brazil were studied by dna fingerprinting with the 33.15 multilocal probe and pcr with arbitrary primers (random amplification of polymorphic dna-rapd). the genetic distance of strains was measured by band sharing. the results showed that the strains isolated in minas gerais, southeastern brazil, are very different from those isolated in pará, northern brazil. strains from minas gerais constituted a relatively homo ...19957758549
leishmania braziliensis braziliensis isolated from akodon arviculoides captured in caratinga, minas gerais, brazil. 19883176154
aspects of the ecology of phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) in the private natural heritage reserve sanctuary caraça.leishmaniases are a set of parasitic diseases of zoonotic origin that are transmitted by sandfly vectors in wild, rural and urban environments. their distribution is dependent not only the distribution of vectors, but also on the distribution of mammalian reservoirs. only by understanding the transmission cycle of these diseases, such as knowing the participating vectors and reservoirs, can one can understand the epidemiology and ecological relationships of leishmaniases. ecotourism has become a ...201728570640
leishmania infection in bats from a non-endemic region of leishmaniasis in brazil.leishmaniasis is a complex of zoonotic diseases caused by parasites of the genus leishmania, which can develop in domestic as well as wild animals and humans throughout the world. currently, this disease is spreading in rural and urban areas of non-endemic regions in brazil. recently, bats have gained epidemiological significance in leishmaniasis due to its close relationship with human settlements. in this study, we investigated the presence of leishmania spp. dna in blood samples from 448 bats ...201728831941
natural leishmania sp. reservoirs and phlebotomine sandfly food source identification in ibitipoca state park, minas gerais, brazil.leishmania spp are distributed throughout the world and different species are associated with varying degrees of disease severity. however, leishmaniasis is thought to be confined to areas of the world where its insect vectors, sandflies, are present. phlebotomine sandflies obtain blood meals from a variety of wild and domestic animals and sometimes from humans. these vectors transmit leishmania spp, the aetiological agent of leishmaniasis. identification of sandfly blood meals has generally bee ...201222666858
first evidence of autochthonous cases of leishmania (leishmania) infantum in horse (equus caballus) in the americas and mixed infection of leishmania infantum and leishmania (viannia) braziliensis.this study reports the first evidence of infection by leishmania infantum in equus caballus in americas and the first mixed infection of l. infantum/leishmania braziliensis on this mammalian species in the world. the diagnoses was based on presence of parasites in lesions and bone marrow aspirates, their identification by using specific primers for l. infantum and l. braziliensis complexes and also serological methods ifat and elisa. the analysis of the pcr products suggested mixed infection in ...201323845306
protective profile involving cd23/ige-mediated no release is a hallmark of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients from the xakriabá indigenous community in minas gerais, this study, we described, for the first time, specific aspects of an anti-leishmania immune response in a brazilian xakriabá indigenous community. induction of an intracellular no pathway, triggered by the binding of ige to cd23 receptor in ifn-γ/il-4 cytokines environment, was evaluated in localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (lcl) carriers and positive montenegro skin test (mst) individuals without skin lesion (mt(+) sl(-)). our data demonstrated that the higher frequency of cd23(+) cd14(+) mo ...201525802003
low frequency of lrv1 in leishmania braziliensis strains isolated from typical and atypical lesions in the state of minas gerais, brazil.the double stranded rna (dsrna) virus leishmaniavirus (totiviridae) was first described in leishmania guyanensis and l. braziliensis (lrv1), and more recently from l. major and l. aethiopica (lrv2). parasites bearing lrv1 elicit a higher pro-inflammatory profile, arising through activation of toll like receptor 3(tlr3) interacting with the viral dsrna. lrv1 is most common in leishmania from the amazon region; however data for other regions of brazil are more limited. here we applied pcr tests wi ...201727546549
molecular detection of leishmania dna in wild-caught phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) from a cave in the state of minas gerais, brazil.leishmania spp. are distributed throughout the world, and different species are associated with varying degrees of disease severity. in brazil, leishmania transmission involves several species of phlebotomine sand flies that are closely associated with different parasites and reservoirs, and thereby giving rise to different transmission cycles. infection occurs during the bloodmeals of sand flies obtained from a variety of wild and domestic animals, and sometimes from humans. the present study f ...201728082647
seasonality of sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) and leishmania dna detection in vector species in an area with endemic visceral leishmaniasis.leishmaniases are a serious health problem in southeast brazil, including the city of belo horizonte (bh), minas gerais state (mg), where there are high rates of incidence and mortality due to visceral leishmaniases. bh is divided into nine sanitary districts (sd) of which one, the venda nova sd, was selected for this study because it has high rates of positivity for canine leishmaniasis and high incidence of human leishmaniasis.201728327794
molecular detection of leishmania braziliensis in rattus norvegicus in an area endemic for cutaneous leishmaniasis in brazil.leishmania nested pcr (lnpcr) targeted to the ssurrna gene and dna sequencing were used to analyze 315 tissue samples from 80 rattus norvegicus specimens trapped in an area endemic for leishmaniasis in belo horizonte, minas gerais, brazil. of the samples analyzed, 17.46% (55/315) of all tissues, 10% (8/80) of skin, 26.92% (21/78) of blood, 30.76% (24/78) of bone marrow and 2.53% (2/79) of spleen were positive for leishmania. the overall infection prevalence was 36.25% (29/80) the dna sequencing ...201121767914
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