
[epidemiologic study of lyme disease in asturias].the aim of this study was to confirm the sierra del sueve (asturias) as an endemic area for lyme's disease and determine the seroprevalence of this disease in inhabitants of this and other zones of asturias.19938260513
paratuberculosis in free-ranging fallow deer in spain.paratuberculosis was diagnosed in a population of approximately 1,000 free-ranging fallow deer (dama dama) sampled from 1997-98 in the regional hunting reserve of el sueve (asturias, spain). five of eight animals observed with diarrhea were diagnosed as having paratuberculosis on the basis of gross lesions at postmortem examination and histopathology. in two deer, mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis was cultured and identified by polymerase chain reaction. indirect enzyme-linked immunoso ...200212238386
foot infections associated with arcanobacterium pyogenes in free-living fallow deer (dama dama).we describe foot infection associated with arcanobacterium pyogenes in three adult male free-living fallow deer (dama dama) from sueve regional hunting reserve (principality of asturias, spain). affected fallow deer were culled in november 1997 and 1998 during the hunting season. necropsy, radiography, and microbiologic analysis were carried out for each animal. unilateral swelling of one extremity at the coronary band was observed in all three cases. areas of bone loss, severe periosteal reacti ...200415465736
leptospiral antibodies in iberian red deer (cervus elaphus hispanicus), fallow deer (dama dama) and european wild boar (sus scrofa) in asturias, northern spain.serum samples collected from iberian red deer (cervus elaphus hispanicus; n=472), fallow deer (dama dama; n=293) and european wild boar (sus scrofa; n=174) in asturias, northern spain, from 1999 to 2005 were examined for antibodies against a reference panel of 14 leptospira spp. serovars. positive antibody titres at a microscopic agglutination test cut-off of 1:80 were detected against serovars pomona (1.6%, 5.8%, 5.2%), bratislava (1.1%, 0.7%, 4.7%), grippotyphosa (0.7%, 2.4%, 1.7%), muenchen ( ...201019019711
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