
wide exposure to coxiella burnetii in ruminant and feline species living in a natural environment: zoonoses in a human-livestock-wildlife interface.assessment of the role of wild and domestic hosts as potential reservoirs of misdiagnosed zoonoses, such as q fever by coxiella burnetii, is an important public health issue today both for wildlife conservation and management of disease in human-livestock-wildlife interface. this study used elisa, an indirect antibody, to research (2003-2013) c. burnetii infection in seven free-living wild and domestic ruminant species and in european wildcats (felis silvestris). the animals studied were 0 europ ...201727776577
abomasal parasites in wild sympatric cervids, red deer, cervus elaphus and fallow deer, dama dama, from three localities across central and western spain: relationship to host density and park management.a survey of abomasal parasites in cervids from central spain was conducted at 3 sites, quintos de mora (toledo), maluéñez de arriba (cáceres), and la herguijuela (cáceres). commonly occurring helminths belonged to 3 polymorphic species of the ostertagiinae: spiculopteragia asymmetricals. quadrispiculata, ostertagia leptospicularis/o. kolchida, and o. drozdzi/o. ryjikovi. trichostrongylus axei was found in very few cases. ostertagia drozdzi/o. ryjikovi and the minor male morphotype, s. quadrispic ...200415715232
elaeophorosis in red deer from spain.elaeophorosis, caused by elaeophora elaphi, was observed in red deer (cervus elaphus) from toledo province (spain) for the first time. adult specimens of elaeophora elaphi were found in the hepatic vessels of nine of 151 red deer between october 1994 and september 1995; intensity of infection was two to 18 nematodes per host. adult nematodes were only found during the period from fall through early spring. no differences were present between sex or age groups. parasites were not found in a limit ...200011085444
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