
current status of immunofluorescence techniques for rapid detection of shigellae in fecal specimens.polyvalent shigella conjugates were prepared for shigella groups a, b, c, and d. after preliminary testing with pure cultures of both homologous and heterologous organisms, these reagents were used in three evaluation studies. fecal specimens from patients hospitalized with diarrhea, from children involved in an institutional outbreak of dysentery due to s. sonnei, and from patients with diarrhea in arizona were screened by fluorescent-antibody (fa) tests and were cultured. specimens were examin ...196514339269
shigella infections in the united states, 1974-1980.during the seven-year period 1974-1980, 93,516 shigella isolates from humans were reported to the centers for disease control, atlanta, through a nationwide surveillance system. over the past 30 years, the reported incidence of shigellosis has been declining in contrast to that reported for salmonellosis. shigella sonnei (group d) now accounts for approximately 70% of the shigella isolates reported, since most of the decline has been due to the increasingly less frequent infections caused by shi ...19836341480
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