
distribution, seasonality, and hosts of the rocky mountain wood tick in the united states.anaplasma marginale theiler is a tick-borne pathogen that causes anaplasmosis in cattle. there are approximately 20 tick species worldwide that are implicated as vectors of this pathogen. in the united states, dermacentor andersoni stiles and dermacentor variabilis (say) are the principal vectors. the risk of transmission of anaplasmosis to cattle has been largely based on the distribution of d. andersoni in the united states. we developed a centralized geographic database that incorporates coll ...200616506443
molecular typing of novel rickettsia rickettsii isolates from isolates of rickettsia rickettsii were obtained from a skin biopsy, two whole-blood specimens, and from rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks from eastern arizona. molecular typing of seven isolates of r. rickettsii and dna samples from two other rh. sanguineus ticks infected with r. rickettsii was conducted by pcr and dna sequencing of rompa and 12 variable-number tandem repeat regions (vntrs). all dna specimens from arizona were identical to each other and to reference human and dermacentor and ...200617114781
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