
genetic variation within and relatedness among wood and plains bison populations.there are two recognized subspecies of bison, wood (bison bison athabascae) and plains (bison bison bison) bison. the establishment of most bison populations from a small number of individuals has raised concerns about their genetic variation. to this end, 11 bison populations were surveyed with 11 microsatellite loci in order to calculate genetic variation and genetic distances. mean number of alleles ranged between 3.18 at antelope island state park (utah) and 6.55 at wood buffalo national par ...199910382295
the hook lake wood bison recovery project: can a disease-free captive wood bison herd be recovered from a wild population infected with bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis?the hook lake wood bison recovery project (hlwbrp) is a wildlife conservation project aimed at recovering a captive, disease-free herd of wood bison (bison bison athabascae) from a wild herd infected with bovine tuberculosis (mycobacterium bovis) and brucellosis (brucella abortus). the disease eradication protocol that we have used involves a combination of techniques, including (1) orphaning of newborn wild-caught calves to minimize exposure to b. abortus and m. bovis, (2) testing calves for ma ...200212381597
a canadian bison isolate of anaplasma marginale (rickettsiales: anaplasmataceae) is not transmissible by dermacentor andersoni (acari: ixodidae), whereas ticks from two canadian d. andersoni populations are competent vectors of a u.s. strain.anaplasma marginale theiler is a tick-borne rickettsial pathogen of cattle with a global distribution in both temperate and tropical regions. the pathogen is endemic in regions within the united states, whereas the canadian cattle population is considered to be free ofa. marginale. farmed bison, bison bison l., in central saskatchewan have been found to be infected with a. marginale; however, there is no evidence of transmission from bison to cattle. we tested a saskatchewan bison isolate of a. ...200617017236
energy gains predict the distribution of plains bison across populations and ecosystems.developing tools that help predict animal distribution in the face of environmental change is central to understanding ecosystem function, but it remains a significant ecological challenge. we tested whether a single foraging currency could explain bison (bison bison) distribution in dissimilar environments: a largely forested environment in prince albert national park (saskatchewan, canada) and a prairie environment in grasslands national park (saskatchewan, canada). we blended extensive behavi ...201121560694
risk factors for mycoplasma bovis-associated disease in farmed bison (bison bison) herds in western canada: a case-control study.north american bison producers have been attempting to control and prevent mycoplasma bovis-associated disease without the benefit of bison-specific knowledge. the objective of this study was to determine the clinical presentation of disease associated with m. bovis infection in western canadian farmed bison, and to identify herd-level risk factors for m. bovis-associated disease. bison producers (n=49) from western canada (manitoba, saskatchewan, alberta, and british columbia) were selected for ...201627317324
a serologic survey of mycoplasma spp. in farmed bison ( bison bison) herds in western canada.mycoplasma bovis is emerging as an important pathogen of farmed bison in north america and is associated with high morbidity and mortality in affected herds. we developed an in-house elisa to detect antibodies against mycoplasma spp. in bison sera. the aims of the study were to estimate the seroprevalence against mycoplasma spp. in bison herds with or without past history of m. bovis-associated disease, and to determine potential risk factors for seropositivity to mycoplasma spp. in farmed bison ...201728578617
wood bison population recovery and forage availability in northwestern canada.forage availability was assessed to determine sustainable stocking rates for eight broadly defined vegetation types (treed uplands, treed lowlands, mixed tall shrub/sedge, closed-canopied willow, and open-canopied willow, meadow, wetland grass, wetland sedge) for use by wood bison (bison bison athabascae), a threatened subspecies, in the canadian boreal forest of northern alberta. clip plots (n=108) were used to sample peak availability of herbs and current annual growth of salix spp. in late su ...200918191321
brucellosis in free-ranging bison (bison bison) in yellowstone, grand teton, and wood buffalo national parks: a review. 19958592398
sarcocystis in wild ungulates in alberta.muscle samples from 557 wild ungulates in alberta, comprising seven species, were examined grossly and/or histologically for cysts of sarcocystis. sarcocystis was found in 100, 96, 94, 75, 75, 73, and 49% of the wapiti (cervus canadensis), moose (alces alces), bison (bison bison), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis), mountain goat (oreamnos americanus), and white-tailed deer (o. virginianus), respectively.19806780701
aspects of variation in cranial characters of plains bison (bison bison bison linnaeus) from elk island national park, alberta. 1975171329
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