
[a community battle against a tropical endemic disease: supernatural beliefs and tsetse fly traps in the congo].community participation in the control of tropical diseases is of major importance nowadays, particularly for sleeping sickness (gambian trypanosomiasis). indeed, the authoritarian measures used with success to control this disease during the colonial period are difficult to apply now. moreover, in the congo, cultural and financial restrictions are such that patients sometimes refuse treatment. thus, it has become highly desirable for vector control to be carried out at the same time as the trea ...19892734626
community participation in the control of tsetse flies. large scale trials using the pyramid trap in the experiment of glossina palpalis control was carried out by rural communities in 55 villages of the niari river sleeping sickness focus (bouenza region, republic of the congo). it was based on the use of a new trap, not requiring insecticide impregnation, in which the captured glossina are preserved. the results show that this simple, cheap trap is an effective method of control, resulting in a considerable decrease in the tsetse population and is easily operated by the villagers. screening su ...19902339247
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