
surveillance of escherichia coli o157 isolation and confirmation, united states, 1989, to examine patterns of testing for escherichia coli o157:h7 in state public health laboratories (sphls), cdc conducted a survey to determine the availability and type of escherichia coli o157:h7 testing in sphls during 1988 and the number of isolates confirmed at sphls if such testing was available. the results were compared with information on isolates submitted for confirmatory testing at cdc in 1988. thirty-nine (78%) of the 51 sphls were testing for e. coli o157:h7 in 1988; 26 confi ...19912023580
[enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli and its infection: from 1977 to 1995].in 1997, konowalchuk and coworkers reported a toxin produced by escherichia coli that was cytotoxic to vero cells. this toxin(vero toxin, vt) was subsequently found to be an important virulence factor of e. coli associated with an outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis due to e. coli o157:h7 which occurred in the state of oregon and michigan in us. e. coli o157:h7 was then found to produce vt, which was cross-reactive with shiga toxin produced by shigella dysenteriae. vt(shiga-like toxin shiga toxin, s ...19979086772
a prolonged outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections caused by commercially distributed raw milk.a protracted outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections was caused by consumption of unpasteurized ("raw") milk sold at oregon grocery stores. although it never caused a noticeable increase in reported infections, the outbreak was recognized because of routine follow-up interviews. six of 16 portland-area cases reported between december 1992 and april 1993 involved people who drank raw milk from dairy a. by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge), e. coli o157:h7 isolates from these cases a ...19979291342
incidence of foodborne illnesses reported by the foodborne diseases active surveillance network (foodnet)-1997. foodnet working 1997, the foodborne diseases active surveillance program (foodnet) conducted active surveillance for culture-confirmed cases of campylobacter, escherichia coli o157, listeria, salmonella, shigella, vibrio, yersinia, cyclospora, and cryptosporidium in five emerging infections program sites. foodnet is a collaborative effort of the centers for disease control and prevention's national center for infectious diseases, the united states department of agriculture's food safety and inspection servic ...200010852576
where's the beef? the role of cross-contamination in 4 chain restaurant-associated outbreaks of escherichia coli o157:h7 in the pacific northwest.from march through august 1993, outbreaks of escherichia coli o157:h7 occurred at 4 separate oregon and washington steak and salad bar restaurants affiliated with a single national chain.200010927738
ongoing multistate outbreak of escherichia coli serotype o157:h7 infections associated with consumption of fresh spinach--united states, september 2006.on september 13, 2006, cdc officials were alerted by epidemiologists in wisconsin and oregon that fresh spinach was the suspected source of small clusters of escherichia coli serotype o157:h7 infections in those states. on the same day, new mexico epidemiologists contacted wisconsin and oregon epidemiologists about a cluster of e. coli o157:h7 infections in new mexico associated with fresh spinach consumption. wisconsin public health officials had first reported a cluster of e. coli o157:h7 infe ...200617008868
escherichia coli o157:h7 infection associated with drinking raw milk--washington and oregon, november-december 2005.during the week of december 5, 2005, public health officials in clark county, washington, were notified of four county residents with laboratory-confirmed escherichia coli o157:h7 infection. all four residents reported having consumed raw (i.e., unpasteurized) milk obtained from a farm in neighboring cowlitz county, washington. the farm participated in a cow-share program, in which persons purchase interests in, or shares of, dairy cows in return for a portion of the milk produced. the farm had ...200717332727
ground beef handling and cooking practices in restaurants in eight states.eating in table-service restaurants has been implicated as a risk factor for escherichia coli o157:h7 infection. to explore this association and learn about the prevalence of risky ground beef preparation practices in restaurants, the environmental health specialists network (ehs-net) assessed ground beef handling policies and practices in restaurants in california, colorado, connecticut, georgia, minnesota, new york, oregon, and tennessee. eligible restaurants prepared and served hamburgers. eh ...201324290692
use of traceback methods to confirm the source of a multistate escherichia coli o157:h7 outbreak due to in-shell hazelnuts.traceback methods by state regulatory agencies were used to complement traditional epidemiological cluster investigation methods and confirmed hazelnuts (also referred to as filberts) as the vehicle in a multistate outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections. bulk in-shell hazelnut and mixed-nut purchase locations were identified during the initial epidemiological interviews. based on purchase dates and case onset dates, regulators in minnesota, michigan, and wisconsin traced product back th ...201222289593
an outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections traced to jerky made from deer investigate a 1995 outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections and to assess the safety of meat dehydration methods.19979103348
a swimming-associated outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis caused by escherichia coli o157:h7 and shigella the summer of 1991, simultaneous outbreaks of bloody diarrhea and hemolytic-uremic syndrome caused by escherichia coli o157:h7 and of bloody diarrhea caused by shigella sonnei were traced to a lakeside park near portland, oregon.19948047082
hemorrhagic colitis associated with a rare escherichia coli serotype.we investigated two outbreaks of an unusual gastrointestinal illness that affected at least 47 people in oregon and michigan in february through march and may through june 1982. the illness was characterized by severe crampy abdominal pain, initially watery diarrhea followed by grossly bloody diarrhea, and little or no fever. it was associated with eating at restaurants belonging to the same fast-food restaurant chain in oregon (p less than 0.005) and michigan (p = 0.0005) and with eating any of ...19836338386
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