
hemorrhagic colitis associated with a rare escherichia coli serotype.we investigated two outbreaks of an unusual gastrointestinal illness that affected at least 47 people in oregon and michigan in february through march and may through june 1982. the illness was characterized by severe crampy abdominal pain, initially watery diarrhea followed by grossly bloody diarrhea, and little or no fever. it was associated with eating at restaurants belonging to the same fast-food restaurant chain in oregon (p less than 0.005) and michigan (p = 0.0005) and with eating any of ...19836338386
[enterohemorrhagic escherichia coli and its infection: from 1977 to 1995].in 1997, konowalchuk and coworkers reported a toxin produced by escherichia coli that was cytotoxic to vero cells. this toxin(vero toxin, vt) was subsequently found to be an important virulence factor of e. coli associated with an outbreak of hemorrhagic colitis due to e. coli o157:h7 which occurred in the state of oregon and michigan in us. e. coli o157:h7 was then found to produce vt, which was cross-reactive with shiga toxin produced by shigella dysenteriae. vt(shiga-like toxin shiga toxin, s ...19979086772
from the centers for disease control and prevention. outbreaks of escherichia coli o157:h7 infection associated with eating alfalfa sprouts--michigan and virginia, june-july 1997. 19979293978
evaluation of the reveal and safepath rapid escherichia coli o157 detection tests for use on bovine feces and carcasses.the reveal (neogen corp., lansing, mich.) and safepath (safepath laboratories llc, st. paul, minn.) tests were evaluated for their performance as beef fecal and beef carcass escherichia coli o157:h7 monitoring tests. agreement between these tests and a reference test system was determined using naturally contaminated bovine feces and beef carcasses. the reference system utilized immunomagnetic separation with plating onto cefixime, tellurite, sorbitol macconkey agar, followed by colony testing u ...200010914650
a multistate outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections linked to alfalfa sprouts grown from contaminated seeds.a multistate outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections occurred in the united states in june and july 1997. two concurrent outbreaks were investigated through independent case-control studies in michigan and virginia and by subtyping isolates with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge). isolates from 85 persons were indistinguishable by pfge. alfalfa sprouts were the only exposure associated with e. coli o157:h7 infection in both michigan and virginia. seeds used for sprouting were traced ...200111747724
outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections associated with nonintact blade-tenderized frozen steaks sold by door-to-door vendors.steaks have not been recognized as an important vehicle of escherichia coli o157:h7 infection. during 11 to 27 june 2003, the minnesota department of health (mdh) identified four o157 infection cases with the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) subtype. all four case patients consumed brand a vacuum packed frozen steaks sold by door-to-door vendors. the steaks were blade tenderized and injected with marinade (i.e., nonintact). information from single case patients in michigan and kansas ...200515954707
microbial levels in michigan apple cider and their association with manufacturing recent decades, apple cider has been implicated in a series of outbreaks of foodborne illness. the objective of this study was to determine the presence and concentrations of pathogenic and indicator microorganisms in apple cider processed in michigan and to evaluate the impact of thermal pasteurization, uv light radiation, and implementation of hazard analysis critical control point (haccp) plans on these microbes. cider samples were obtained from michigan mills between 1997 and 2004 and ana ...200717536678
bacterial pathogen gene abundance and relation to recreational water quality at seven great lakes beaches.quantitative assessment of bacterial pathogens, their geographic variability, and distribution in various matrices at great lakes beaches are limited. quantitative pcr (qpcr) was used to test for genes from e. coli o157:h7 (eaeo157), shiga-toxin producing e. coli (stx2), campylobacter jejuni (mapa), shigella spp. (ipah), and a salmonella enterica-specific (se) dna sequence at seven great lakes beaches, in algae, water, and sediment. overall, detection frequencies were mapa>stx2>ipah>se>eaeo157. ...201425423586
laboratory and pilot-scale dead-end ultrafiltration concentration of sanitizer-free and chlorinated lettuce wash water for improved detection of escherichia coli automated dead-end (single pass, no recirculation) ultrafiltration device, the portable multi-use automated concentration system (pmacs), was evaluated as a means to concentrate escherichia coli o157:h7 from 40 liters of simulated commercial lettuce wash water. the assessment included generating, sieving, and concentrating sanitizer-free lettuce wash water, either uninoculated or inoculated with green fluorescent protein-transformed e. coli o157:h7 at a high (1.00 log cfu/ml) or low (-1.00 lo ...201425198586
use of traceback methods to confirm the source of a multistate escherichia coli o157:h7 outbreak due to in-shell hazelnuts.traceback methods by state regulatory agencies were used to complement traditional epidemiological cluster investigation methods and confirmed hazelnuts (also referred to as filberts) as the vehicle in a multistate outbreak of escherichia coli o157:h7 infections. bulk in-shell hazelnut and mixed-nut purchase locations were identified during the initial epidemiological interviews. based on purchase dates and case onset dates, regulators in minnesota, michigan, and wisconsin traced product back th ...201222289593
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