
the significance of serum soluble il-2 receptor as a marker for active visceral leishmaniasis in sicilian patients.sera from nine sicilian patients with confirmed visceral leishmaniasis (leishmania donovani infantum; vl), at the moment of the diagnosis, during the course of the disease and after clinical recovery, were analysed for the concentration of soluble il-2 receptor (sil-2r). the results show that sil-2r is a marker of disease activity, since it is in high concentration at the beginning of infection and returns to the normal range following successful chemotherapy. at the same time of serum analysis ...19921424277
leishmaniasis in the sudan republic. 29. comparison and epidemiological implications of experimental canine infections with sudanese, mediterranean, and kenyan strains of leishmania donovani. 19705421087
in vivo and in vitro cytokine profiles and mononuclear cell subsets in sicilian patients with active visceral leishmaniasis.sera from sicilian patients with confirmed visceral leishmaniasis (leishmania donovani infantum) were analysed at the moment of the diagnosis, during the course of the disease and after clinical recovery, for the concentration of il-10, ifn-gamma, il-4 and il-2. the results show high concentrations of il-10 and ifn-gamma in the sera at the beginning of infection that return to the normal range following successful chemotherapy. by contrast, pbmc stimulated in vitro with ag and mitogen produced l ...19958580385
[leishmaniasis vectors (diptera, psychodidae) in 3 different environments of western sicily and 2 of the aeolian islands].some cases of visceral leishmaniasis in children and in adults have been diagnosed in the last fifteen years in western sicily and an increasing number of cases of canine leishmaniasis has been recorded, mainly in the province of palermo. such a human leishmaniasis recrudescence, after the antimalaria campaign had reduced the transmission, and the increase of canine leishmaniasis in the city of palermo and its suburbs suggest that transmission in urban areas may be possible. using the oiled pape ...19902132442
a seroepidemiological survey on leishmania infantum infection.findings from a seroepidemiological survey of leishmania infantum (li) infection are presented. among residents in the province of rome, 2.7% (4.4% in the city of rome and 1% in the suburbs) of 374 adults were positive for specific li antibodies in indirect haemoagglutination studies. among 217 adult residents of caltanissetta province (sicily), 4.1% were positive for li antibodies (4.2% in caltanissetta city and 4% in the suburbs). serological tests for li antibodies were also carried out on st ...19911915791
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