
studies on plague in the eastern cape province of south africa.investigations were carried out in the area of a human plague outbreak in march 1982 at coega in the eastern cape province of south africa. trapping revealed that rodent populations were high owing primarily to a population increase of the four-striped mouse, rhabdomys pumilio. flea populations were low and had been declining in the eastern cape province since october 1981. the results of a serological survey from march to october 1982 showed haemagglutinating antibody to yersinia pestis in 0.35 ...19836665833
plague in south african rodents 1972-1981.sera from 3012 rodents of 24 species captured in south africa during the period 1972-81 were tested for antibody to the fraction 1 antigen of yersinia pestis by passive haemagglutination. antibodies were found in seven (0.23%) rodents of three species. these were desmodillus auricularis and tatera brantsii in the northern cape province and rhabdomys pumilio in the eastern cape province. rodents were found positive in 1972, 1974, 1975 and 1979, indicating that plague continues to circulate in rod ...19836868103
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