
the pcs20 pcr assay for ehrlichia ruminantium does not cross-react with the novel deer ehrlichial agent found in white-tailed deer in the united states of america.white-tailed deer are susceptible to heartwater (ehrlichia [cowdria] ruminantium infection) and are likely to suffer high mortality if the disease spreads to the united states. it is vital, therefore, to validate a highly specific and sensitive detection method for e. ruminantium infection that can be reliably used in testing white-tailed deer, which are reservoirs of antigenically or genetically related agents such as ehrlichia chaffeensis, anaplasma (ehrlichia) phagocytophilum (hge agent) and ...200415373331
natural and experimental infection of white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) from the united states with an ehrlichia sp. closely related to ehrlichia ehrlichia sp. (panola mountain [pm] ehrlichia sp.) closely related to ehrlichia ruminantium was recently detected in a domestic goat experimentally infested with lone star ticks (lsts, amblyomma americanum) collected from georgia, usa. the infected goat exhibited pyrexia and mild clinical pathologic abnormalities consistent with ehrlichiosis. at least two other ehrlichia species (ehrlichia chaffeensis and ehrlichia ewingii) are maintained in nature by a cycle involving lsts as the primary vec ...200818436670
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