
potential for local and systemic bacterial infection in some occupational groups in benin city, nigeria.many third world countries may not have adequate facilities for rapid sensitivity testing of antibiotics as an aid to diagnosis and chemotherapy. it may therefore be valuable to relate bacterial carriage on the skin to type of work a person does.19921636931
bacterial agents causing chronic suppurative otitis media.ear swabs from 350 patients with chronic otitis media attending different orthorhinolaryngological clinics at different hospitals and health centres in benin city and ekpoma in edo state were screened for the presence of bacterial agents of chronic otitis media. results revealed the presence of 19 different species indicating polymicrobial infections. species isolated comprised staphylococcus aureus (33.6%), pseudomonas aeruginosa (19.3%), proteus mirabilis (17%), alcaligenes faecalis (6.2%) and ...19957498006
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