
parasites of south african wildlife. xiii. helminths of grey rhebuck, pelea capreolus, and of bontebok, damaliscus dorcas dorcas, in the bontebok national park.a total of 25 grey rhebuck, pelea capreolus, and 16 bontebok, damaliscus dorcas dorcas, were shot for parasite recovery at bi-monthly intervals in the bontebok national park, south-western cape province, from february 1983 to december 1983 and february 1983 to february 1984, respectively. the grey rhebuck and the bontebok each harboured 9 nematode species and the latter animals 1 cestode species. ostertagia hamata was most abundant and most prevalent in the grey rhebuck and longistrongylus curvi ...19921437019
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