[field infection with bvd virus in swine: epidemiology and diagnosis]. | in a pig breeding herd in lower saxony infertility of breeding sows had been repeatedly observed. growth retardation and post mortem findings in two piglets gave clinical indication to swine fever/hog cholera. a virus was isolated and typed by monoclonal antibodies as pestivirus not identical with hog cholera virus (hcv). in neutralization tests applying the field isolate, hcv and bovine viral diarrhea (bvd) virus the sera breeding sows and weaner pigs yielded high neutralizing antibody titres a ... | 1994 | 8131728 |
[prevalence of antibodies against the viruses of european swine fever, aujeszky's disease and "porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome" in wild boars in the federal states sachsen-anhalt and brandenburg]. | during the hunting season from 1991/1992 blood samples were collected from wild boar shot in the federal states of sachsen-anhalt (482 samples) and brandenburg (177 samples) which corresponds to 2.1 and 0.4% of the total hunting bag. all sera were screened in a complex trapping blocking (ctb) elisa for antibodies against hog cholera virus (hcv) and in an indirect elisa for antibodies against aujeszky's disease virus (adv). additionally the sera were tested for neutralizing antibodies against hcv ... | 1994 | 8131731 |
antibody prevalence of hog cholera, bovine viral diarrhoea and aujeszky's disease virus in wild boars in northern germany. | during the hunting season 1990/1991 a total of 841 blood samples was collected from shot wild boar corresponding to about 2.11% of the total hunting bag in lower saxony. all the sera were screened for neutralizing antibodies (nab) to hog cholera virus (hcv) and bovine viral diarrhoea virus (bvdv) by direct neutralizing peroxidase linked antibody (npla) assay. for the detection of antibodies (ab) against hcv a complex trapping blocking (ctb) elisa was used. cytotoxic sera were retested using an i ... | 1993 | 8404524 |
[the situation of classical swine fever in wild boars in the european community and selected aspects of disease transmission]. | the situation of classical swine fever (csf) in europe is described on the basis of the literature. in the european community, csf is present among wild boars in germany (federal states mecklenburg-western pomerania, brandenburg and lower saxony), in france (northern vosges) and in italy (regio emìlìa romagna in 1997 and sardinia--enzootically infected). infected wild boars are important as a source of infection for domestic pigs in germany. selected aspects of the transmission of csf virus from ... | 1998 | 9674308 |
[genetic typing of german isolates of classical swine fever virus]. | during the last decade several outbreaks of classical swine fever (csf) occurred in germany in domestic pigs and in wild boar, respectively. two major epidemics which also affected other eu member states were recorded. to support epidemiological investigations genetic typing was applied and virus isolates originating from different outbreaks in germany were assigned to groups and virus types. two genomic regions were selected for the phylogenetic analysis, namely 150 nucleotides from the 5' non- ... | 2001 | 11449911 |
oral immunisation of wild boar against classical swine fever: concluding analysis of the recent field trials in germany. | the recent oral immunisation trials in wild boar against classical swine fever (csf) in germany are described and evaluated in summary. after the first field study in lower saxony from 1993-1995 further immunisation trials started in mecklenburg-western pomerania, brandenburg, lower saxony, baden-württemberg and saxony-anhalt. the immunisation strategies and the size of the vaccination zones were different in the individual federal states. in principle, the bait vaccine based on the csf virus st ... | 2002 | 12058591 |