
failure of anaplasma marginale theiler to survive natural winter conditions on a dermacentor andersoni = (venustus) infested range. 19761078097
immunogenic differences between two anaplasma marginale isolates. 19695388318
anaplasma marginale msp1alpha genotypes evolved under positive selection pressure but are not markers for geographic isolates.anaplasma marginale (order rickettsiales, family anaplasmataceae), a tick-borne pathogen of cattle, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. many geographic isolates of a. marginale occur in the united states and have been identified by major surface protein 1a (msp1a), which varies in sequence and molecular weight due to different numbers of tandem 28- to 29-amino-acid repeats. the present study was undertaken to examine the genetic variations among isolates of a. marginale ...200312682152
anaplasmosis. x. morphologic characteristics of the parasites present in the blood of calves infected with the oregon strain of anaplasma marginale. 196314035668
anaplasmosis. xi. immunoserologic characteristics of the parasites present in the blood of calves infected with the oregon strain of anaplasma marginale. 196314035669
anaplasmosis. xii. the growth and survival in deer and sheep of the parasites present in the blood of calves infected with the oregon strain of anaplasma marginale. 196314035670
strain composition of the ehrlichia anaplasma marginale within persistently infected cattle, a mammalian reservoir for tick transmission.tick-borne ehrlichial pathogens of animals and humans require a mammalian reservoir of infection from which ticks acquire the organism for subsequent transmission. in the present study, we examined the strain structure of anaplasma marginale, a genogroup ii ehrlichial pathogen, in both an acute outbreak and in persistently infected cattle that serve as a reservoir for tick transmission. using the msp1alpha genotype as a stable strain marker, only a single genotype was detected in a disease outbr ...200111158120
bovine anaplasmosis transmission studies conducted under controlled natural exposure in a dermacentor andersoni = (venustus) indigenous area of eastern anaplasma marginale transmission studies conducted on the high semi-arid range of eastern oregon during the 1974 and 1975 vector season, a marginale-susceptible calves (principals) were maintained on 2 raised tick-proof platforms. anaplasmosis-susceptible control calves of approximately the same age and latent-infected cows grazed the area surrounding the platforms. one latent-infected steer spent the entire 1975 vector season on a platform with the principals. the 28 principals did not devel ...1977557939
distribution, seasonality, and hosts of the rocky mountain wood tick in the united states.anaplasma marginale theiler is a tick-borne pathogen that causes anaplasmosis in cattle. there are approximately 20 tick species worldwide that are implicated as vectors of this pathogen. in the united states, dermacentor andersoni stiles and dermacentor variabilis (say) are the principal vectors. the risk of transmission of anaplasmosis to cattle has been largely based on the distribution of d. andersoni in the united states. we developed a centralized geographic database that incorporates coll ...200616506443
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