
serological evidence of exposure to tick fever organisms in young cattle on queensland dairy compare the features of farms on which the exposure of young cattle to tick fever organisms is sufficient to ensure that immunity is high and the risk of clinical disease is low (endemic stability) with those of farms on which exposure is insufficient to induce widespread immunity (hence without endemic stability); to examine the relationships between the management of ticks and tick fever, and endemic stability to babesia bovis, b. bigemina and anaplasma marginale.200315080428
an attempt to transmit anaplasma marginale by buffalo flies (haematobia irritans exigua). 19948048908
serological studies of babesiosis and anaplasmosis of cattle.bos indicus-crossbred calves exposed to natural babesia bovis infection in wet and dry tropical environments in northern queensland were tested for antibodies using the indirect haemagglutination (iha) test. there was evidence of maternal antibodies suggesting endemicity of b. bovis in the 2 environments. within one year 35.3 to 94.6% of the calves had acquired b. bovis infection. the highest titres and most rapid conversion rates were observed just after the wet season when the tick population ...19827181776
a study of the epidemiology of anaplasma marginale infections of cattle in southern queensland: clinical disease and the prevalence of complement fixing antibodies. 1978687261
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