
quality of life in persons with human immunodeficiency virus infection: measurement by the medical outcomes study assess the reliability and validity of the medical outcomes study (mos) short form health survey as an indicator for quality of life in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv).19921727616
pediatric hiv infection. an update.human immunodeficiency virus infection is a leading cause of immunodeficiency in children. the epidemic in children parallels that in women since most infected women are in the child-bearing age groups. the risk of vertical transmission of hiv from an infected mother to her infant ranges from 13% to 39%. diagnosis of infection in the infant is complicated by the passive transfer of antibody across the placenta, making the use of standard serologic tests to confirm infection difficult. in childre ...19911753232
survival in children with perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection.we describe our experience at jackson memorial hospital in miami, florida, with 172 children who were given diagnoses of perinatally acquired infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1). the 146 mothers of the children acquired hiv-1 through heterosexual contact (69 percent), intravenous drug use (30 percent), or blood transfusion (1 percent). the children presented with symptomatic disease at a median age of eight months; only 21 percent presented after the age of two years. the ...19892594038
unusual causes of death in haitians residing in miami. high prevalence of opportunistic infections.twenty-one (100%) haitians and 42 (21.5%) of 192 native black americans autopsied in a 33-month period at jackson memorial hospital, miami, were included in this review. all autopsied materials were examined. among the haitians autopsied, infectious diseases accounted for 11 (52%) of 21 deaths. toxoplasma encephalitis was the leading cause of death (five cases). other infectious causes of death included disseminated cryptococcosis (one), disseminated cytomegalovirus diseases (one), pneumocystis ...19836348327
acquired immune deficiency syndrome in the united states: the first 1,000 cases.between june 1981 and february 1983, the centers for disease control (atlanta) received reports of 1,000 patients living in the united states who met a surveillance definition for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). seventy-three percent of these patients were diagnosed after january 1, 1982. the 1,000 patients included 284 with kaposi's sarcoma (ks), 497 with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), 83 with ks and pcp, and 136 with opportunistic infections other than pcp. the overall m ...19836604115
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in infants.fourteen infants with clinical and laboratory features of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome were identified in a single metropolitan area from november 1980 to july 1983. patients were predominantly of haitian parentage, although two cases occurred in offspring of non-haitian intravenous drug abusers. only one patient had received a blood transfusion before the development of clinical findings. the predominant clinical findings included failure to thrive, persistent infection of the oral muc ...19846606781
relationship between procedures and health insurance for critically ill patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.the objective of the present study was to assess the association between type of health insurance coverage and use of diagnostic tests and therapies among patients with aids-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp). fifty-six private, public, and community hospitals in chicago, los angeles, and miami were selected for the study, and the charts of 890 patients with empirically treated or cytologically confirmed pcp, hospitalized during 1987 to 1990 were retrospectively reviewed. patients were ...19957582274
racial differences in care among hospitalized patients with pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in chicago, new york, los angeles, miami, and raleigh-durham.while strategies for medical care for human immunodeficiency virus-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) are well established, racial variations in care have not been evaluated.19957618980
empirically treated pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in los angeles, chicago, and miami: 1987-1990.many patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) with symptoms suggestive of pneumonia are treated empirically for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp), although other bacterial infections (e.g., tuberculosis) and pulmonary kaposi's sarcoma may cause identical symptoms. empiric treatment for pcp may result in misdiagnosis and mistreatment. when the outcomes of cytologically confirmed versus empirically treated pcp cases were evaluated, the most important predictors of in-hospit ...19957797940
lung cancer in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection.this retrospective study determined the clinical course of lung cancer in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection. a total of 23 patients with hiv infection archived as lung cancer were studied: 16 were identified from about 1,000 lung cancer patients entered in the tumor registry and medical records of jackson memorial hospital, 7 were identified from about 1,000 hiv-positive patients entered in the special immunology registry of veterans administration medical center, 4 pati ...19957847261
a rapid preadmission method for predicting inpatient course of disease for patients with hiv-related pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp) has been the most common reason for hospitalization and the most common cause of death for persons with hiv infection. hospital mortality rates for pcp range from 10 to 60%. studies that evaluate differences in hospital mortality rates must control for differences in patient severity of illness. we developed a simple staging system for categorizing severity of illness in patients with pcp. we analyzed the relation between clinical factors and in-hospital mort ...19947952607
corticosteroids improve survival of children with aids and pneumocystis carinii determine if corticosteroids administered in addition to antimicrobials improve survival in children with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and severe pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp).19938093422
infections in children with human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: an autopsy study of 30 cases in south florida, 1990-1993.thirty autopsies performed on infants and children with hiv infection and/or aids were reviewed for the presence and type of infection. twenty-six (87%) demonstrated evidence of infection in addition to hiv at the time of postmortem examination. pathogenic bacterial infectious were the most frequently encountered, seen in 15 of the cases. nine of the 15 (60%) were due to gram-negative rods, most commonly pseudomonas aeruginosa. infections with gram-negative organisms often involved multiple orga ...19958597814
cd4 lymphocyte counts and mortality in aids patients requiring mechanical ventilator support due to pneumocystis carinii evaluate cd4 counts as a predictor of mortality in aids patients with respiratory failure due to pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pcp).19989498963
chemoprophylaxis for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 199910440453
clinical course, prognostic factors, and outcome prediction for hiv patients in the icu. the pip (pulmonary complications, icu support, and prognostic factors in hospitalized patients with hiv) describe the clinical course and prognostic factors in patients with hiv admitted to the icu.200010893371
florida supreme court blocks patient's assisted suicide.the florida supreme court stayed the ruling of a circuit court judge that would have allowed charles e. hall to commit suicide with the help of his physician. hall was dying of pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, was partially blind, wheelchair-bound, and had no bladder control. he was the lone survivor of three patients who sought the assistance of dr. cecil mciver; mciver was unwilling to assist terminally-ill patients if he faced criminal prosecution. the supreme court rejected hall's claim to th ...199711364116
cavitary lung disease in aids: etiologies and correlation with immune investigate the etiology and differential features of cavitary lung disease in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids), chest computed tomography (ct) records from a 2-year period were reviewed to identify all human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive patients with cavitary lung disease. medical records were reviewed for the documentation of specific causes of lung cavitation and the cd4 count at the time of imaging. of 25 hiv-positive patients with cavitary lung disease, 2 ...200111483162
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