
[two cases of crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever (cchf) in two tourists in senegal in 2004].two cases of crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever (cchf) occurred in two french tourists during their visit in senegal in november 2004. febrile and hemorrhagic syndrome with ulorrhagia, petechiae, haematemesis, haematomas associated with biological signs of disseminated intramuscular coagulation were observed. for the first case who had a medical evacuation to france before diagnosis, crimean-congo virus infection was revealed by laboratory tests performed by the national reference center for hemor ...200919739410
lookback exercise with imported crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever, senegal and france.a patient with suspected malaria was hospitalized successively in 2 hospitals, first in dakar, senegal, then in rennes, france, where tests diagnosed crimean-congo hemorrhagic fever. an international incident management group was set up in france and senegal, which traced 181 contacts and analyzed 50 samples from 3 countries. no secondary cases were identified clinically.200617073094
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