
[inquiry of veterinarians in niedersachsen concerning the occurrence of parasitic diseases and their control in small animals].a questionnaire was sent to all veterinarians in lower saxony (approximately 3500). the regular occurrence of parasitic infections in small animals, problems with particular parasites, the routine application of diagnostic and therapeutic measures, and the significance of echinococcus multilocularis were asked for. due to the disappointing low number of filled-in questionnaires sent back by the practitioners (n = 68) a statistical analysis of the data was not applicable. nevertheless, certain tr ...19957600942
[prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis and other metacestodes and cestodes in the muskrat (ondatra zibethicus link 1795) in lower saxony].aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and regional distribution of echinococcus multilocularis and other metacestodes and cestodes in muskrats in lower saxony, germany. a total of 991 muskrats with similar numbers from all districts of the country were examined between january and december 1995. e. multilocularis metacestodes were found in 4.1% of the muskrats in the liver and other organs of the abdominal cavity. the majority of the e. multilocularis positive animals came from the sout ...19979445787
[increase in the prevalence of echinococcus multilocularis infection in red foxes in lower saxony].echinococcus multilocularis is a tapeworm having carnivores as final hosts, the red fox in particular, dog and cat less frequent. its two host life cycle consists of a larval cycle which predominantly takes place in the liver of rodents such as mice but it can also develop in musk rats as intermediate hosts. man can also be infected and serves as a wrong intermediate host. he develops an alveolar echinococcosis which usually ends lethal without medical treatment. the prevalence of e. multilocula ...200111417378
choropleth mapping of regional count data of echinococcus multilocularis among red foxes in lower saxony, this paper, choropleth maps display the geographical distribution of echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes in lower saxony. areas of high prevalence of the infection in foxes and with high fox population density pose high risk for the human population for alveolar echinococcosis. spatial statistical methods were used to analyse regional count data obtained from 5365 hunted or found-dead foxes. spatial smoothing (of raw estimates of regional prevalences based on count data before mapping) w ...200111679170
[the occurrence of echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes in lower saxony: identification of a high risk area by spatial epidemiological cluster analysis].there is considerable interest in the spatial distribution of echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes (vulpes vulpes l.), because this parasite causes the zoonoses of alveolar echinococcosis which is potentially of high fatality rate. high risk areas are known from france, switzerland and the swabian alb in germany for a long time. in this work, the spatial scan statistic is introduced as an instrument for identification and localisation of high risk areas, so called disease clusters in spatial ...200212481649
emergence of echinococcus multilocularis among red foxes in northern germany, 1991--2005.the parasite echinococcus multilocularis is currently of great concern in europe because of its spreading behavior, which has public health implications. this study investigates the spatiotemporal distribution of echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes. the infection status of 8459 foxes was sampled from 43 regions in the north german province of lower saxony over three investigation periods 1991--1994, 1994--1997 and 2003--2005. linear empirical bayesian smoothing within the binomial model was ...200818583056
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