
laboratory diagnosis of smallpox: role of the virus reference laboratory, colindale, 1947-70.the virus reference laboratory, colindale, first embarked on laboratory investigations for smallpox early in 1947. from then, in conjunction with the department of bacteriology, university of liverpool, it provided a complete diagnostic service throughout england and wales until 1962, after which the service became available regionally until eradication was effected. up to 1970 it had investigated 2696 specimens from suspected cases of smallpox and had recovered 108 strains of variola and 248 of ...19826296227
mass vaccination programs in developing countries.immunization programs have been demonstrated to be efficient and relatively inexpensive methods of disease prevention in both developed and developing countries. this article reviews the historical development of mass immunization campaigns, sets forth practical considerations in initiating such campaigns, and gives examples of contemporary mass immunization programs in developing countries--smallpox eradication and measles control in west and central africa and the global smallpox eradication ...19734572438
variola minor. a preliminary report from the birmingham hospital region. 19664160887
the development of the virus concept as reflected in corpora of studies on individual pathogens. 5. smallpox and the evolution of ideas on acute (viral) infections. 1979368466
laboratory work on smallpox virus. 197984134
the conquest of smallpox.smallpox has been a dreaded disease for thousands of years. recurrent epidemics traversed the known world leaving a trail of death, disfigurement, and disability unparalleled by the other great plagues. fear of smallpox provoked the first important attempts to prevent epidemic disease by a primitive form of immunization called variolation. in 1796, edward jenner developed the first effective vaccine against an infectious disease by using cowpox virus to prevent subsequent infection with smallpox ...197663281
stamping out fires! controlling smallpox with targeted mass vaccination.more than 30 years have now passed since the last naturally occurring case of smallpox; however, the variola virus still exists in at least 2 locations. the possibility that any clandestine stocks could be used for bioterrorism is a continuing concern for the public health community.201120484093
surveillance and control measures during smallpox outbreaks.we reviewed historical data from 2 smallpox outbreaks in liverpool and edinburgh during the early and middle years of the 20th century to assess their contribution to developing modern strategies for response to a deliberate release of smallpox virus. reports contemporaneous to these outbreaks provide detail on the effectiveness of public health interventions. in both outbreaks, extensive contact tracing, quarantine, and staged vaccination campaigns were initiated, and the outbreaks were control ...200515752449
a field trial of tissue culture smallpox vaccine. 196414113234
the future of vaccinia. 19751090806
edward jenner and the eradication of smallpox.edward jenner's careful investigations into the usefulness of cowpox vaccination for the prevention of smallpox during the late 1790s, and his enthusiastic and continued advocation of vaccination despite the scepticism of critics, laid the foundations for the growth of understanding about the nature of infectious disease and the development of immunity during the 19th century. he began the long process which resulted in the successful eradication of the smallpox virus in 1980. his life story rem ...19979507590
jenner jabs james phipps with live cowpox. 19969032882
the problem of mandatory smallpox vaccination in austria. 197720698
variola minor. observations and experiences in staffordshire, england, during 1966. 19674292686
pulmonary calcification following smallpox handler's lung. 19744375310
edward jenner, william woodville, and the origins of vaccinia virus. 1979381378
by the london post. the stigma of mental illness--smallpox tragedy--an expedition to bath. 1978213713
the decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century london.smallpox was probably the single most lethal disease in eighteenth-century britain, but was a minor cause of death by the mid-nineteenth century. although vaccination was crucial to the decline of smallpox, especially in urban areas, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, it remains disputed the extent to which smallpox mortality declined before vaccination. analysis of age-specific changes in smallpox burials within the large west london parish of st martin-in-the-fields revealed a preci ...201122171404
variola minor in coalfield areas of england and wales, 1921-34: geographical determinants of a national smallpox epidemic that spread out of effective control.this paper uses techniques of binary logistic regression to identify the spatial determinants of the last national epidemic of smallpox to spread in england and wales, the variola minor epidemic of 1921-34. adjusting for age and county-level variations in vaccination coverage in infancy, the analysis identifies a dose-response gradient with increasing odds of elevated smallpox rates in local government areas with (i) medium (odds ratio [or] = 5.32, 95% confidence interval [95% ci] 1.96-14.41) an ...201728351006
smallpox in london: factors in the decline of the disease in the nineteenth century. 19836306365
letter: "wild white" viruses and smallpox. 19744140287
editorial: confinement of the poxvirus. 19744140274
does smallpox linger as risk to hospital personnel? 197810313858
Displaying items 1 - 23 of 23