
isolation of a spotted fever group rickettsia from the pacific coast tick, ixodes pacificus, in oregon.a rickettsia of the spotted fever group was isolated on three occasions from ixodes pacificus in western oregon. these isolations, and additional evidence furnished by complement fixation tests on guinea pigs inoculated with other oregon ticks of this species, indicate that the association of this rickettsia with the pacific coast tick may be widespread. this is the first isolation of a spotted fever group rickettsia from i. pacificus. because the oregon isolates are mildly virulent for guinea p ...1976937637
surveillance of lyme disease in the united states, 1982.lyme disease is a tick-borne illness that has been reported from three regions in the united states--the northeast, midwest, and west--which correspond to the distribution of the recognized vectors of the disease, ixodes dammini and ixodes pacificus. in 1982, a surveillance system designed to define the morbidity and geographic distribution for lyme disease by using a clinical case definition received information on 491 definite cases and 38 probable cases. of the definite cases, 489 were acquir ...19853998509
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