
[agricultural occupation and strongyloidiasis. a case-control study].in the last few years, strongyloides stercoralis has been repeatedly recovered from indigenous farmers in the safor area (valencia community). the relationship between the different occupational activities, mainly farming, and the presence of strongyloidiasis was investigated.200111345610
characteristics and geographical profile of strongyloidiasis in healthcare area 11 of the valencian community (spain).this study describes the epidemiological characteristics of all cases of strongyloidiasis diagnosed in the period 1995-1999 (both years included) in area 11 of the valencian community (spain) and their possible correlation to certain geographical and environmental conditions.200415236923
[infection by strongyloides stercoralis in the county of safor, spain].strongyloides stercoralis is an endemic nematode in tropical and subtropical regions, but almost unknown in spain.19979289550
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