
the presence of intestinal parasites in selected vegetables from open markets in south western nigeria.intestinal parasitic infections are among the most common infection worldwide. in recent years there has been an increase in the number of reported cases of food-borne illness linked to fresh vegetables which is a major way in the transmission of intestinal parasites. the study was carried out to determine the level of parasitological contamination of vegetables sold at selected markets in south western nigeria. a total of 120 samples from different vegetables were randomly sampled from major se ...200920499624
prevalence of intestinal parasitoses in relationship to diarrhoea among children in ilorin.studies on the role of intestinal parasites in diarrhoeal disease in children were carried out among 907 children of one month to 120 months (10 years) of age both at out patients and inpatients in unilorin teaching hospital. the most common intestinal parasites found were ascaris lumbricoides (40.9%), trichuris trichiura (27%), hookworm (10.2%), strongyloides stercoralis (9.7%), e. histolytica (6.3%), trichomona vaginalis (2.8%). taenia saginata (1.7%) and 1.1% of paragonimus westermani, among ...19902268573
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