
clinical characteristics and treatment of constrictive pericarditis in taiwan.constrictive pericarditis is an uncommon disease that prevents the normal diastolic filling of the heart and pericardiectomy is the only satisfactory treatment.200515791042
strongyloides stercoralis infection: a health issue regarding indigenous people in taiwan.strongyloidiasis, caused by strongyloides stercoralis, is endemic in tropical and subtropical regions. whether or not the infection rate is higher among indigenous populations in taiwan remains unclear. the aim of our study was to assess the racial demographics, diagnoses and clinical details of strongyloidiasis. a total of 41 patients (27 males and 14 females) with strongyloidiasis at a tertiary referral centre in eastern taiwan in a 21-year period were investigated retrospectively. the majorit ...201222647849
investigation on subclinical aspects related to intestinal parasitic infections among thai laborers in taipei.the migration of foreign workers from developing regions to developed countries may potentially lead to transmission of intestinal parasitic infections. in order to determine the relationship between intestinal parasitic infections and the health status of foreign workers, 302 thai laborers brought to taiwan were examined in this study. nine species of parasites were found in 64.9% of laborers; opisthorchis viverrini, hookworm, strongyloides stercoralis, giardia lamblia, trichuris trichiura, fas ...200011305242
intestinal parasites among the southeast asian laborers in taiwan during 1993-1994.a large number of foreign laborers are now working in taiwan, the majority coming from southeast asia where parasitic infections are common. since 1992, monitoring the intestinal parasitic infections of these foreigners has been carried out, particularly to prevent the introduction of some of the parasites into taiwan. this paper reports results obtained during the year 1993-1994.19968803301
imported opisthorchis viverrini and parasite infections from thai labourers in order to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites among labourers from thailand in taiwan, the stool samples from 1364 thai labourers were examined by the formalin-ether concentration method and 18.0% were found to be infected with one or more parasites. the infection rates of hookworm, opisthorchis viverrini, strongyloides stercoralis, enterobius vermicularis, ascaris lumbricoides, hymenolepis nana, capillaria philippinensis, schistosoma japonicum, echinostoma sp., entamoeba coli, gi ...19938354853
prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among inhabitants of tan-nan village, nantou county, taiwan.the pork infected with cysticerci was sent to our laboratory in june 1971. microscopic examination revealed the infection of cysticercus cellulosae. subsequently, the source of the pork was traced, and the survey of intestinal parasitism was carried out among inhabitants at tan-nan village, hsin-i district, nantou county, taiwan, in august 1973. results obtained only indicated the presence rather than endemic of taeniasis solium in this village. the parasites and infection rates found in the pre ...1979397878
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