
[detection of parasitic fungus coelomomyces psorophorae couch (phycomycetes: blastocladiales) in mosquitoes, aedes vexans meigen, in the astrakhan region]. 19734769396
[pathogenic properties of the leiv23 astrakhan strain of batai virus for primates].pathogenic properties of batai virus, leiv23 astrakhañ strain, isolated from aedes vexans mosquitoes in astrakhañ region were studied comparatively. the degree of susceptibility to the virus of green monkeys and rodents (white mice, syrian hamsters), and the pattern of lesions produced by the virus in organs of these animals were established. the virus was shown to have a comparatively wide host range affecting phylogenetically far distant animals. monkeys were found to have virus-carrier state ...19836230800
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