
malaria seroprevalence in blood bank donors from endemic and non-endemic areas of venezuela, a total of 363,466 malaria cases were reported between 1999-2009. several states are experiencing malaria epidemics, increasing the risk of vector and possibly transfusion transmission. we investigated the risk of transfusion transmission in blood banks from endemic and non-endemic areas of venezuela by examining blood donations for evidence of malaria infection. for this, commercial kits were used to detect both malaria-specific antibodies (all species) and malaria antigen (plasmo ...201121537669
detection of specific antibodies to plasmodium falciparum in blood bank donors from malaria-endemic and non-endemic areas of venezuela.malaria antibody detection is valuable in providing retrospective confirmation of an attack of malaria. blood bank screening is another area were malaria serology is potentially useful. in the present study, we tested the presence of antibodies to plasmodium falciparum in sera from blood bank donors of non-endemic and malaria-endemic areas of venezuela. sera from 1,000 blood donors were tested by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody (ifa) assay and an igg-elisa for the presence of malaria anti ...199910403326
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