ecology, serology, and enterotoxin production of vibrio cholerae in chesapeake bay. | a total of 65 isolates of vibrio cholerae, serotypes other than o--1, have been recovered from water, sediment, and shellfish samples from the chesapeake bay. isolations were not random, but followed a distinct pattern in which salinity appeared to be a controlling factor in v. cholerae distribution. water salinity at stations yielding v. cholerae (13 out of 21 stations) was 4 to 17 0/00, whereas the salinity of water at stations from which v. cholerae organisms were not isolated was less than 4 ... | 1979 | 367273 |
vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and other vibrios: occurrence and distribution in chesapeake bay. | vibrio cholerae was isolated at several locations in chesapeake bay in fall 1976 and spring 1977. strains induced fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops and positive activity in y-1 adrenal cells. vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, and related vibrios show a spatial and temporal distribution characteristic of vibrio species in an estuary. the vibrio cholerae strains isolated from chesapeake bay represent serotypes other than o-group i--that is, so-called nonagglutinable vibrios--and are ... | 1977 | 910135 |
a serosurvey of pathogens associated with shellfish: prevalence of antibodies to vibrio species and norwalk virus in the chesapeake bay region. | recent concerns regarding the safety of shellfish consumption have focused on the risk posed by naturally occurring marine bacteria such as vibrio species and by viruses such as norwalk and related agents. despite the widespread environmental presence of vibrio species in the chesapeake bay, the rate of reported infections remains low; there have also been no reports of major norwalk outbreaks associated with shellfish in this area. as infections with these agents may not always be recognized be ... | 1992 | 1312771 |
persistence of cholera in the united states: isolation of vibrio cholerae o1 from a patient with diarrhea in maryland. | a case of cholera was identified in baltimore county, md., in october 1984. the vibrio cholerae o1 isolate from the patient was hemolytic, biotype el tor, serotype inaba, and was toxigenic by the y-1 adrenal cell assay; on southern blot analysis, the strain had a unique hindiii restriction site in the cholera toxin gene identical to that of other u.s. v. cholerae o1 isolates. two days before he became ill, the patient had eaten meat from crabs harvested along the texas coast. | 1986 | 3958151 |
occurrence of vibrio cholerae serotype o1 in maryland and louisiana estuaries. | vibrio cholerae serotype o1 has been isolated from chesapeake bay in maryland and estuaries and sewers in louisiana. the occurrence of v. cholerae o1 in the aquatic environment in the absence of human disease suggests that this organism survives and multiples in the natural environment. | 1981 | 7235699 |
all vibrio cholerae infections are not created equal. | | 1995 | 7723150 |
an outbreak of cholera in maryland associated with imported commercial frozen fresh coconut milk. | in august 1991, the first outbreak of cholera associated with an imported commercial food product occurred among persons attending a private picnic. an epidemiologic investigation showed infection with toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, in 4 of 6 persons who had consumed coconut milk imported from thailand. in addition, the us food and drug administration recovered toxigenic v. cholerae o1, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, from 1 of 6 unopened bags of the same brand (bu ... | 1993 | 8501322 |
james carroll: a biography. | james carroll was born in england in 1854; at the age of 15, he emigrated to canada where he worked at various odd jobs. at age 20, he crossed the border and volunteered for the us army, in which he remained for the rest of his life. appointed as hospital steward, he became interested in medicine. he was permitted to take basic courses at st paul university and later at bellevue hospital in new york. he received his md degree in 1891 from the university of maryland while still a sergeant. he the ... | 1998 | 9845758 |
informed consent of volunteers: a direct measurement of comprehension and retention of information. | | 1979 | 10297568 |
genetic diversity of vibrio cholerae in chesapeake bay determined by amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprinting. | vibrio cholerae is indigenous to the aquatic environment, and serotype non-o1 strains are readily isolated from coastal waters. however, in comparison with intensive studies of the o1 group, relatively little effort has been made to analyze the population structure and molecular evolution of non-o1 v. cholerae. in this study, high-resolution genomic dna fingerprinting, amplified fragment length polymorphism (aflp), was used to characterize the temporal and spatial genetic diversity of 67 v. chol ... | 2000 | 10618215 |
seasonality of chesapeake bay bacterioplankton species. | bacteria, gamma-subclass of proteobacteria, vibrio-photobacterium, vibrio vulnificus, vibrio cholerae-vibrio mimicus, and vibrio cincinnatiensis in water samples collected from the choptank river in chesapeake bay from 15 april to 16 december 1996 were enumerated using a fluorescent oligonucleotide direct-counting (fodc) procedure. fodc results obtained using a bacteria taxon-specific probe ranged from one-third the number of to the same number as that obtained by the acridine orange direct coun ... | 2002 | 12406742 |
bacteria of the gamma-subclass proteobacteria associated with zooplankton in chesapeake bay. | the seasonal abundance of gamma-subclass proteobacteria, vibrio-photobacterium, vibrio cholerae-vibrio mimicus, vibrio cincinnatiensis, and vibrio vulnificus in the choptank river of chesapeake bay associated with zooplankton was monitored from april to december 1996. large (>202- microm) and small (64- to 202- microm) size classes of zooplankton were collected, and the bacteria associated with each of the zooplankton size classes were enumerated by fluorescent oligonucleotide direct count. larg ... | 2002 | 12406743 |
predictability of vibrio cholerae in chesapeake bay. | vibrio cholerae is autochthonous to natural waters and can pose a health risk when it is consumed via untreated water or contaminated shellfish. the correlation between the occurrence of v. cholerae in chesapeake bay and environmental factors was investigated over a 3-year period. water and plankton samples were collected monthly from five shore sampling sites in northern chesapeake bay (january 1998 to february 2000) and from research cruise stations on a north-south transect (summers of 1999 a ... | 2003 | 12732548 |
occurrence and expression of luminescence in vibrio cholerae. | several species of the genus vibrio, including vibrio cholerae, are bioluminescent or contain bioluminescent strains. previous studies have reported that only 10% of v. cholerae strains are luminescent. analysis of 224 isolates of non-o1/non-o139 v. cholerae collected from chesapeake bay, md, revealed that 52% (116/224) were luminescent when an improved assay method was employed and 58% (130/224) of isolates harbored the luxa gene. in contrast, 334 non-o1/non-o139 v. cholerae strains isolated fr ... | 2008 | 18065611 |
diversity and seasonality of bioluminescent vibrio cholerae populations in chesapeake bay. | association of luminescence with phenotypic and genotypic traits and with environmental parameters was determined for 278 strains of vibrio cholerae isolated from the chesapeake bay during 1998 to 2000. three clusters of luminescent strains (a, b, and c) and two nonluminescent clusters (x and y) were identified among 180 clonal types. v. cholerae o1 strains isolated during pandemics and endemic cholera in the ganges delta were related to cluster y. heat-stable enterotoxin (encoded by stn) and th ... | 2009 | 19011071 |
predicting the distribution of vibrio spp. in the chesapeake bay: a vibrio cholerae case study. | vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholera, is a naturally occurring inhabitant of the chesapeake bay and serves as a predictor for other clinically important vibrios, including vibrio parahaemolyticus and vibrio vulnificus. a system was constructed to predict the likelihood of the presence of v. cholerae in surface waters of the chesapeake bay, with the goal to provide forecasts of the occurrence of this and related pathogenic vibrio spp. prediction was achieved by driving an available mul ... | 2010 | 20145974 |
non-o1/non-o139 vibrio cholerae carrying multiple virulence factors and v. cholerae o1 in the chesapeake bay, maryland. | non-o1/non-o139 vibrio cholerae inhabits estuarine and coastal waters globally, but its clinical significance has not been sufficiently investigated, despite the fact that it has been associated with septicemia and gastroenteritis. the emergence of virulent non-o1/non-o139 v. cholerae is consistent with the recognition of new pathogenic variants worldwide. oyster, sediment, and water samples were collected during a vibrio surveillance program carried out from 2009 to 2012 in the chesapeake bay, ... | 2015 | 25556194 |