
of cabbages and chlorine: cholera in peru.the low case fatality rates (1%) from the 1991 cholera epidemic in peru was more a result of including diarrheas of a less virulent etiology than that of cholera. in fact, a study during the early phases of the cholera epidemic in trujillo, peru revealed that only 79% of suspected cholera cases were infected with vibrio cholera 01. further other people contended that the government of peru did not chlorinate many water supplies because studies by the us environmental protection agency suggeste ...19921351603
vibrio cholerae non-o1 isolated from five people with diarrhoea in lima. 19846141352
diarrheal disease in peru after the introduction of cholera.surveillance was conducted one day each week from december 1992 through may 1993 to determine the clinical features and etiology of diarrhea among a population in a suburban community of lima, peru. patients who had had three or more loose stools during the previous 24 hr were enrolled at a clinic located in the community or at a nearby regional hospital. a total of 143 cases of diarrhea were detected for an overall rate of 7.1 cases per 1,000 population. the enteropathogens isolated were vibrio ...19947985750
[the development of a clinical scale for the diagnosis of cholera in infants with acute watery diarrhea].the diagnosis of cholera in infants based on clinical grounds is often difficult because other enteropathogens such as rotavirus or enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) can produced a very similar clinical picture. we studied 147 infants admitted consecutively to the rehydration unit of cayetano heredia hospital in lima, perú, trying to identified those characteristics significantly associated with the isolation of vibrio cholerae 01 on the admission stool culture. after a univariate comparis ...19938274229
characterization of vibrio cgolerae non-o1 serogroups obtained from an outbreak of diarrhea in lima, february 1994, an outbreak of diarrhea caused by non-o1 vibrio cholerae occurred among volunteers in a vaccine trial study area in lima, peru. clinically, 95% of the patients presented with liquid diarrhea with either no or mild dehydration. serogrouping of 58 isolates recovered from diarrheal patients affected in the outbreak revealed seven different serogroups, with serogroups o10 (21%) and o12 (65%) being predominant. most of these isolates were susceptible to a variety of antimicrobial ag ...19958567912
an outbreak of cholera from food served on an international february 1992, an outbreak of cholera occurred among persons who had flown on a commercial airline flight from south america to los angeles. this study was conducted to determine the magnitude and the cause of the outbreak. passengers were interviewed and laboratory specimens were collected to determine the magnitude of the outbreak. a case-control study was performed to determine the vehicle of infection. seventy-five of the 336 passengers in the united states had cholera; 10 were hospitaliz ...19968626007
incidence of vibrio cholerae o1 diarrhea in children at the onset of cholera epidemic in periurban lima, determine the incidence of vibrio cholerae o1-associated diarrhea in children during the onset of the 1991 cholera epidemic in peru.19968724063
active surveillance for vibrio cholerae o1 and vibriophages in sewage water as a potential tool to predict cholera outbreaks.the 1991 peruvian cholera epidemic has thus far been responsible for 600,000 cholera cases in peru. in an attempt to design a cholera surveillance program in the capital city of lima, weekly sewage samples were collected between august 1993 and may 1996 and examined for the presence of vibrio cholerae o1 bacteria and v. cholerae o1 bacteriophages (i.e., vibriophages). during the 144 weeks of surveillance, 6,323 cases of clinically defined cholera were recorded in lima. we arbitrarily defined an ...19968940432
molecular evolution of vibrio cholerae o1 strains isolated in lima, peru, from 1991 to 1995.following the emergence of cholera in lima, peru, in 1991, isolates of vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor recovered from patients in various parts of lima were selected and characterized. ribotyping and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) revealed four bgli ribotypes and eight noti pfge types among 50 v. cholerae o1 strains recovered from patients with cholera in lima from 1991 to 1995, with certain genotypes appearing to cluster geographically. while differences in ribotype and pfge type pat ...19979114398
cholera in lima, peru, correlates with prior isolation of vibrio cholerae from the environment.the authors utilized a recently developed dna probe technique to obtain quantitative data on occurrence of vibrio cholerae in samples collected monthly from 12 environmental sites in lima, peru, from november 1993 through march 1995. peak v. cholerae counts ranged from 10(2)/ml to 10(5)/ml, with the highest counts in sewage-contaminated areas and irrigation water. with our methodology, no v. cholerae cases were detected at any site during the winter months of july through october. counts were de ...19979420531
surveillance of bacterial pathogens associated with acute diarrhea in lima, peru.a study was conducted in lima, peru, from january to april 1995, to determine the bacterial pathogens associated with acute diarrhea in adults, their susceptibility to common antimicrobials, the risk factors involved in cholera transmission, and the best clinical predictors of cholera.200010737846
sanitation in the time of cholera.cholera, identified by violent diarrhea, cramps, vomiting, and dehydration, is spreading through peru into colombia, ecuador, child, and brazil. water contaminated with vibrio cholerae is used for washing food and/or drinking thereby transmitting the disease. paho estimates 6 million people in south america may get cholera within the next 3 years. this cholera epidemic is the result of unsanitary conditions in which the urban poor in south america live. in fact, in lima, peru, 40% of the peo ...199112343751
characterization of a vibrio cholerae phage isolated from the coastal water of peru.a vibrio cholerae bacteriophage, family myoviridae, was isolated from seawater collected from the coastal water of lima, peru. genome size was estimated to be 29 kbp. the temperate phage was specific to v. cholerae and infected 12/13 v. cholerae o1 strains and half of the four non-o1/non-o139 strains tested in this study. vibrio cholerae o139 strains were resistant to infection and highest infection rates were obtained in low nutrient media amended with nacl or prepared using seawater as diluent ...200312713461
antimicrobial resistance of clinical and environmental strains of vibrio cholerae isolated in lima-peru during epidemics of 1991 and 1998.the susceptibility in vitro of 71 isolations of v. cholerae was evaluated: 24 of clinical origin and 47 strains of clinical and environmental origin collected in the epidemic of 1991 and during the outbreak epidemic of 1998 in lima-peru respectively. the biochemical and serological tests carried out established that 43 (60,6%) corresponded to the serogroup o1 ogawa of the 1998 epidemic; 26 (36.6%) were of the serotype inaba, being 24 of them isolated in 1991. two strains did not belong to the se ...200717625736
[historical report: first isolation of vibrio cholera serogroup o1 biovar el tor serovar inaba during the cholerae epidemic in perú ‑ 1991.]20 years ago, a new diarrheal disease was introduced in peru and the enteropathogens reference laboratory of the instituto nacional de salud had an outstanding role in the isolation and rapid and timely identification of vibrio cholerae. cholera had not been seen before, but during the last week of january 1991 an outbreak of acute diarrhea was detected, presenting intense dehydration and some deaths. the epidemic affected, in the beginning, many locations of the peruvian coast. some working tea ...201121537782
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