
lemon juice as a natural biocide for disinfecting drinking water.the natural biocidal activity of lemon juice was studied in order to explore its possible use as a disinfectant and inhibitor of vibrio cholerae in drinking water for areas lacking water treatment plants. from january through july 1993, water samples of varying alkalinity and hardness were prepared artificially, and underground and surface water samples were obtained from a number of different rural and urban areas in argentina's buenos aires province. after measuring the latter samples' hardnes ...19947858646
environment and virulence factors of vibrio cholerae strains isolated in determine the presence of vibrio cholerae in different areas of argentina in three sample types, to determine the composition of planktonic communities in areas at which this pathogen was detected and to characterize the virulence properties and antimicrobial resistance of the recovered environmental isolates.200718045430
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