
transmission of non o group 1 vibrio cholerae by raw oyster consumption.after having eaten dinner many customers of a restaurant in dolo (venice) developed gastroenteritis with diarrhoea and vomiting. strains of non o group 1 vibrio cholerae were isolated from rectal swabs of four customers. epidemiological investigations revealed an association between the illness and raw oyster consumption (p = 0.008). also, an association was found between age and illness among males (p = 0.034). as a consequence of this outbreak, a gastroenteritis surveillance programme was run ...19846490304
vibrio cholerae non-o1, non-o139 bacteraemia associated with pneumonia, italy 2016.this paper describes an elderly male patient, living in the veneto region, italy, who developed vibrio cholerae bacteraemia and pneumonia. some days previously, while on holiday in the lagoon of venice, he had been collecting clams in seawater, during which he suffered small abrasions of the skin. on admission to hospital, he was confused, had fever and a cough, but neither diarrhoea nor signs of gastroenteritis were found. both blood and stool cultures grew v. cholerae of non-o1 non-o-139 type, ...201727837335
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