
[bacteriological study of traveller's diarrhoea. 4) isolation of enteropathogenic bacteria from patients with traveller's diarrhoea at osaka airport quarantine station during 1984-1991].during the last 8 years (1984 to 1991), 16,639,233 overseas travellers were quarantined at osaka airport quarantine station and 38,326 travellers reported that they were (or had been) suffering from diarrhoea. bacteriological examination of stools from 12,573 persons revealed the following results. 1) various enteropathogenic bacteria were isolated from 3,669 cases (29.2%) examined. the predominant species of bacteria isolated were as follows: salmonella, 1049 cases; plesiomonas shigelloides, 10 ...19921293222
survey of vibrio cholerae o1 and its survival over the winter in marine water of port of osaka.the survey of vibrio cholerae o1 in marine area was carried out in the port of osaka, japan in 1987-2001, and 51 v. cholerae o1 strains were isolated. all strains were identified to be of el tor biotype, ogawa serotype and classic ubon kappa-phage type, and were cholera toxin (ct)-negative and ct gene-negative. in order to clarify certain ecological aspects of v. cholerae o1 in the marine environment of the temperate zone, we performed molecular analysis of the isolated strains using pulsed-fiel ...200312948359
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