
studies on the enteropathogenic mechanism of non-o 1 vibrio cholerae isolated from the environment and fish in toyama prefecture.enteropathogenic mechanisms of non-o 1 vibrio cholerae were investigated using strains from the environment and those from fish in toyama prefecture. none of the 93 non-o 1 v. cholerae strains produced a detectable level of choleratoxin-like-enterotoxin (ct-like-enterotoxin) in syncase medium, while 23 strains showed a distinct fluid accumulation in the rabbit ileal loop test (ril). these ril-positive strains neither produced ct-like-enterotoxin in vitro in the other four kinds of media which ar ...19846493071
ecology of non-o 1 vibrio cholerae in toyama prefecture.the ecology of non-o 1 vibrio cholerae and vibrio mimicus as causes of cholera-like diarrhea or seafood-associated gastroenteritis has been investigated in toyama prefecture since 1980. the relationship between biological or serological characteristics of the isolates and their enteropathogenicity is discussed. overall isolation rates from river water, sea water, and fish were 24.0, 59.5, and 33.7%, respectively, the isolation frequency being, in general, extremely high in the summer season, alt ...19846738382
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