
a cholera epidemic in a rural area of northeast india.sporadic cases of acute diarrhoea with high morbidity occur commonly in rural areas of northeast india, throughout the year. at times they take epidemic form and one such outbreak occurred with attack and case fatality rates of 11.6% and 0.8%, respectively, in october 2002, in a remote locality of assam. vibrio cholerae o1 el tor ogawa was isolated in 63% of hospitalized acute diarrhoea patients. ineffective antibacterial treatment, poor hygiene practices and bad peridomestic sanitation were the ...200415251406
molecular epidemiology of vibrio cholerae associated with flood in brahamputra river valley, assam, india.cholera is often caused when drinking water is contaminated through environmental sources. in recent years, the drastic cholera epidemics in odisha (2007) and haiti (2010) were associated with natural disasters (flood and earthquake). almost every year the state of assam india witnesses flood in brahamputra river valley during reversal of wind system (monsoon). this is often followed by outbreak of diarrheal diseases including cholera. beside the incidence of cholera outbreaks, there is lack of ...201626656743
emergence of classical ctxb genotype 1 and tetracycline resistant strains of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor in assam, india.cholera epidemics with moderately high case fatality rates in assam, northeast india were investigated in 2007, 2008 and 2010. based on mismatch amplification mutation assay pcr for detection of ctxb allele, 40 isolates of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor collected from the epidemics were found to harbour the classical ctxb gene allele of cholera toxin (ct). dna sequencing of ctxb gene confirmed the isolates to be genotype 1 of ctxb. antimicrobial susceptibility tests reveal that 100% of the isolates w ...201222521215
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