
effect of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on vibrio clearance in cholera (el tor): a comparative study.the efficacy of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole (tmp-smx) has been compared with that of tetracycline and chloramphenicol in 175 bacteriologically confirmed cases of cholera admitted to the infectious diseases hospital delhi. vibrio cholerae, biotype el tor, serotype ogawa, were isolated from all the patients. tmp-smx showed greater in vitro inhibition and earlier eradication from the intestinal tract and is recommended as a suitable vibriocidal agent against cholera.1978635974
cholera outbreak in delhi--1988.delhi experienced an outbreak of cholera during july-august 1988 which affected residents from all walks of life. a total of 1824 laboratory confirmed cholera cases were detected in two months period at i.d. hospital, delhi alone. the number of cholera cases in july-august 1988 was 5-10 times that of the same period during the previous years in the capital. the outbreak was caused by vibrio cholerae ogawa biotype eltor. majority of the laboratory confirmed cases (about 74 per cent) were seen in ...19902230018
variants of vibrio cholerae in delhi. 19734357931
studies on cholera carriers in delhi. 19734752380
epidemiology of cholera in delhi--1992.cholera is endemic in delhi and is a highly seasonal disease. suspected cholera cases are referred to infectious diseases hospital, delhi. rectal swabs from 2783 cases were bacteriologically examined during 1992, out of which 1075 were found to be positive for vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor. first isolation was made on 3 april and the last on 14 december. about 87 per cent isolations were made between may and september, which are summer and monsoon months in delhi. detailed epidemiological in ...19957636931
widespread emergence of vibrio cholerae 0139 in india.the national institute of communicable diseases (nicd) has been monitoring the incidence of laboratory confirmed cases of cholera in delhi in collaboration with infectious diseases hospital (idh) since 1965. cholera and cholera-like cases from all hospitals in delhi are admitted in idh and the rectal swabs of all such cases are processed for isolation of vibrio cholerae at nicd laboratory. since april 1993, there has been isolation of vibrio cholerae serotype 0139, in increasing numbers (831 out ...19958629072
cluster of cases of clinical cholera due to vibrio cholerae 010 in east delhi.a total of 514 samples of acute diarrhoeal stools received over a period of four months yielded 315 isolates morphologically and biochemically resembling v. cholerae. out of 315 isolates, 223 (70.8%) were identified as v. cholerae 01, 20 (6.4%) as 0139 and 42 (13.3%) as 010. thirty (9.5%) isolates did not agglutinate with any of the available antisera. all v. cholerae 010 isolates showed complete homogeneity in their biochemical and physiological properties. this strain appears to be closely rel ...19968714141
prescribing pattern by doctors for acute diarrhoea in children in delhi, india.parents (mostly mothers) of 264 children aged less than 5 years with acute watery diarrhoea were interviewed about their treatment profile before hospitalization in delhi, india in 1993. only 22% of the cases were given prescriptions for oral rehydration solutions (ors), whereas a very high proportion (64%) of them were given drugs, including antibiotics and antidiarrhoeals and 40% were given intravenous fluids. the differences among the treatment groups were highly significant. the government a ...19958838825
unusual occurrence of cholera in delhi during january 1994: epidemiological investigations.hundreds of laboratory-confirmed cholera cases occur every year in delhi. however from 1965 through 1993, no cases of cholera nor carriers of vibrio cholerae have been detected in the months january and february of all these years. nevertheless, two cases occurred in january 1994. both were children who acquired their infection locally. six hundred fifty-eight rectal swabs collected from possible contacts were negative for v. cholerae. the next isolations could be made only in april, which is th ...19968870404
epidemiology and transmission of v. cholerae o1 and v. cholerae o139 infections in delhi in 1993, rectal swabs from clinically suspected cases of cholera admitted to the infectious diseases hospital (idh), delhi were examined for vibrio cholerae o1 and o139. epidemiological data of 396 cholera cases were collected before the patients' discharge from idh. of the 1528 laboratory-confirmed cholera cases, 46% and 54% were caused by serotype o1 and o139 respectively. both serotypes appeared and disappeared simultaneously, and peaked during the same time of the year. however, the two sero ...19969019011
changing patterns of vibrio cholerae isolation over three consecutive cholera seasons (1992-1994) in east delhi.the emergence of new strains of vibrio cholerae has added a new dimension to the variability in pathogenicity and potential virulence of the organisms precipitating diarrhoeal diseases. considering the shifting patterns of v. cholerae 01 there is a continuous need to monitor the strain characteristics. in this study total 541 stool specimens of acute secretory diarrhoea were investigated between may 1992 and november 1994 for strains of vibrio cholerae and anti-microbial susceptibility testing o ...19979282524
vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 in less than five years old children hospitalised for watery diarrhoea in delhi, delhi, patients with cholera-like illness are admitted to the infectious diseases hospital. in 1993, rectal swabs from 836 such patients aged less than five years were examined for the presence of vibrio cholerae o1 and o139. of them, 232 (28%), 180 (22%), and 424 (51%) were found suffering from o1 cholera, o139 cholera, and non-cholera watery diarrhoea respectively. twelve children (1.4%) excreted both v. cholerae o1 and o139. both types of cholera were similarly distributed by age, with 19% ...19979308293
endemic cholera in delhi, 1995: analysis of data from a sentinel on cholera cases admitted to the delhi infectious diseases hospital (idh) are presented to describe the pattern of occurrence of cholera in delhi in 1995. rectal swabs from 4082 cases of acute diarrhoea admitted to the idh were examined for excretion of vibrio cholerae. of them, 2004(49%) and 4(0.1%) were positive for v. cholerae o1 biotype el tor and v. cholerae o139 respectively. most cholera cases occurred during may-september (summer and monsoon months). the period from january to march ...19989805411
epidemiological study of an outbreak of cholera in delhi epidemiological study was undertaken to investigate an outbreak of cholera in delhi cantonment during may 1991. the study design was a hybrid design using a retrospective case-control method superimposed on a population based cross-sectional approach. a total of 9 cases of cholera, confirmed in the laboratory as vibrio cholerae, 0-1, eltor, ogawa were identified using population based survey and compared with 33 controls from the same source population. the overall incidence rate was 0.71% an ...19979988980
vector potential of houseflies (musca domestica) in the transmission of vibrio cholerae in is well known that diarrhoeal infections due to vibrio cholerae are spread through fecal-oral route of transmission. in the present study an attempt was made to isolate and identify v. cholerae from houseflies, musca domestica collected from a low socioeconomic area in delhi, india, where an outbreak of cholera was encountered. of the ten fly pools examined, six (60%) were positive for v. cholerae. of these six pools, three (50%) showed v. cholerae ogawa t2 el tor and one (17.5%) v. cholerae ...200111164748
cholera pattern in children of delhi. 200515695878
diversity of vibrio cholerae strains isolated in delhi, india, during 1992-2000.the national institute of communicable diseases (nicd), delhi, india, conducts a laboratory-based surveillance of cholera cases referred from the infectious disease hospital, delhi. the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibilities of vibrio cholerae o1, o139, and others, isolated from cholera patients for nine years, were analyzed to determine the changing trends in their isolation and drug-resistance patterns. in total, 29,196 stool samples or rectal swabs, collected during april 1992-december ...200515884751
[a boy with cholera from india].a 7-year-old indian boy travelling from india to the united kingdom was brought to the emergency clinic of airport medical services at schiphol airport in amsterdam, the netherlands. he had had watery diarrhoea in the aircraft and had lost consciousness. in view of the strong indications for cholera and the rice water-like diarrhoea, he was admitted to the paediatric ward of the vu medical centre where intravenous rehydration was carried out. he recovered within three days. a large number of com ...200616471238
changing profile of vibrio cholerae o1, o139 in delhi & its periphery (2003-2005).cholera caused by either vibrio cholerae o1 or o139 is endemic in delhi and its peripheral areas. the present study was carried out to understand the changing epidemiology of v. cholerae in terms of prevalence of serotypes, antibiogram pattern and phage types.200717642498
diarrhoeal outbreak of vibrio cholerae 01 inaba in delhi.v. cholerae o1 eltor serotype ogawa has been causing most of the cholera outbreaks in india till recently. however this communication reports the occurrence of vibrio cholerae o1 inaba in delhi in 2005, as a predominant causative organism of cholera in children. all strains isolated were sensitive to gentamicin and a high level of resistance towards nalidixic acid and amoxicillin was seen. there was no case fatality.200818453505
trend of antibiotic resistance of vibrio cholerae strains from east delhi.epidemics of cholera caused by toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 (bengal strain) represent a major public health problem in most developing countries. in view of the reported shift in epidemiology and pattern of antibiotic resistance in this was study carried out to assess the development of resistance to essential drugs like fluoroquinolones during treatment of cholera and cholera like cases in delhi.200818653912
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae isolates from cholera outbreaks in north india.vibrio cholerae isolates recovered from cholera outbreaks in bhind district of madhya pradesh and delhi, northern india were characterized. the o1 serogroup isolates from bhind outbreak were of inaba serotype whereas both ogawa and inaba serotypes were recovered from delhi. pcr analysis revealed that only o1 serogroup v. cholerae isolates carried the virulence-associated genes like ctxa, tcpa, ace, and zot. molecular typing by repetitive sequence based eric, vcr1, and vc1 pcr's revealed similar ...200919229498
dissemination of ndm-1 positive bacteria in the new delhi environment and its implications for human health: an environmental point prevalence study.not all patients infected with ndm-1-positive bacteria have a history of hospital admission in india, and extended-spectrum β-lactamases are known to be circulating in the indian community. we therefore measured the prevalence of the ndm-1 gene in drinking water and seepage samples in new delhi.201121478057
emergence of multiple drug resistance vibrio cholerae o1 in east delhi.considering the changing geographical and temporal occurrence of vibrio cholerae, there is a continuing need to monitor the strain characteristics and antibiotic resistance patterns of this pathogen. the present study was conducted to document the changing biology of v. cholerae isolates in and around delhi, india, and the development of antibiotic resistance.201121537071
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