
e1tor vibrio isolated in surat during 1973-75. 1979544483
emerging & re-emerging bacterial pathogens in spite of major successes against infectious diseases in the 20th century, new infectious diseases have emerged and old ones re-emerged in recent decades in different parts of the world. a brief survey of emerging and re-emerging bacterial diseases of public health importance in india is presented in this paper. plague re-appeared in two outbreaks in maharashtra and gujarat in 1994, indicating a breakdown of the public health measures that had prevented its occurrence for several decades. lept ...19968926026
concomitant infection of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli in an outbreak of cholera caused by vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 in ahmedabad, ahmedabad, a major city in the state of gujarat, india, an outbreak of acute secretory diarrhea caused by vibrio cholerae o1 ogawa el tor, v. cholerae o139, and multiple serotypes of enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) occurred in january 2000. all of the representative v. cholerae o1 and o139 isolates examined harbored the ctxa gene (encoding the a subunit of cholera toxin) and the el tor variant of the tcpa gene (encoding toxin-coregulated pilus). etec isolates of different serotypes we ...200111526157
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