
a bacteriological study of cholera in gulbarga district. 19892486988
incidence of cholera in north-eastern karnataka (a bacteriological study). 19846392408
serotypes and phage types of vibrio cholerae in mysore.a total of 565 samples of acute diarrhoeal stools from children received over a period of twelve months from november 1996 to october 1997, yielded 289 (51.15%) isolates of v. cholerae. out of these, 277 (95.85%) were v. cholerae 01 serotype ogawa, 7 (2.42%) were v. cholerae 0139 and 5 (1.73%) were v. cholerae non-o1 non-0139. phage typing of the isolates was carried out by niced calcutta. out of 78 isolates, 69 (88.46%) belong to phage type t27. of the remaining, 3 (3.85%), 3(3.85%), 2(2.56%) a ...200011668944
emergence of vibrio cholerae 0139 in manipal-coastal karnataka-south india. 200111883141
incidence of vibrio cholerae serogroup o139 infection with low virulence in hubli, karnataka (india).384 stool samples from patients with acute gastroenteritis were processed by standard culture techniques and antibiogram of v. cholerae was performed. stool samples from 93 (24.22%) patients yielded v. cholerae, 58 (62.37%) of which were v. cholerae, el tor o1 ogawa, 31 (33.33%) v. cholerae o139 and 4 (4.30%) v. cholerae non o1 non o139. of the culture proven cholera cases watery diarrhoea was observed in 79 (84.95%), vomiting in 57(61.29%), muscle cramps in 21 (22.58%) and sweating in 18 (19.35 ...200315027758
circulating phage type of vibrio cholerae in mysore. 200919384046
vibrio cholerae o1 el tor variant and emergence of haitian ctxb variant in the strains isolated from south india.cholera still continues to be an important cause of human infection, especially in developing countries that lack access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation. in the present study, we report the emergence of new variant form of v. cholerae o1 el tor biotype with a novel mutation in ctxb in strains isolated from various outbreaks during 2010-2014 in belgaum situated in north-west karnataka, india. a total of 14 occurrences of cholera were documented from belgaum division of north karnatak ...201626337047
multidrug-resistant vibrio cholerae o1 was responsible for a cholera outbreak in 2013 in bagalkot, north karnataka.cholera is a major cause of illness in the developing world. during the monsoon season, small sporadic clusters of cholera cases are reported on an annual basis in karnataka, india. during the monsoons of 2013, there was a cholera outbreak in badami, a remote area of bagalkot district in karnataka. the multi-drug-resistant vibrio cholerae o1 serotype ogawa was found to be responsible for this outbreak. on 5 august 2013, a 30-year-old woman presented with severe dehydration and watery diarrhea at ...201525766606
twin outbreak of cholera in rural north karnataka, india.successive outbreaks of acute watery diarrhoea occurred in talikoti and harnal, located in bijapur district of the southern indian s0 tate of karnataka, in july and august 2012, respectively. these outbreaks were investigated to identify the aetiology and epidemiology.201425366211
multidrug-resistant vibrio cholerae o1 in belgaum, south outbreak of acute diarrhoea occurred in the belgundi area (population 3896) of belgaum taluka (population 815 581) in karnataka, south india, in june 2010. an estimated 16.22 % of people were affected and 0.16 % deaths were reported. vibrio cholerae o1 el tor was isolated from 18 of the 147 stool samples cultured. seven out of eight drinking water samples collected from different sources were found to be grossly contaminated with faecal coliforms. all isolates were multidrug resistant, with s ...201222878247
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