
isolation of inaba v. cholerae (classical type) in rewa (madhya pradesh). 19734712579
prevalence of virulence genes (ctxa, stn, ompw and tcpa) among non-o1 vibrio cholerae isolated from fresh water environment.the virulence of a pathogen is reliant on the presence of a discrete set of genetic determinants and their expression in the host. the virulence of vibrio spp. is regulated by the ctxab and tcpa genes. these genes are alleged to be exclusively associated with clinical strains of o1 and o139 serogroups. in the present study, we examined the presence of virulence genes viz. stn, ompw, ctxa and tcpa of classical and eltor variants, in environmental strains of non-o1 vibrio cholerae cultured seasona ...200616891156
role of escherichia coli in acute diarrhoea in tribal preschool children of central india.five hundred and eighty preschool children belonging to tribal areas of madhya pradesh were followed up daily for the presence of diarrhoea for a period of 1 year. in all, 1236 episodes of diarrhoea were recorded with an average of 2.13 episodes per child per year. stool samples were collected during 780 episodes. they were cultured to isolate escherichia coli as well as non-e. coli enteropathogens. ten different genes were detected to identify all diarrhoeagenic e. coli using multiplex polymera ...200818173783
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae isolates from cholera outbreaks in north india.vibrio cholerae isolates recovered from cholera outbreaks in bhind district of madhya pradesh and delhi, northern india were characterized. the o1 serogroup isolates from bhind outbreak were of inaba serotype whereas both ogawa and inaba serotypes were recovered from delhi. pcr analysis revealed that only o1 serogroup v. cholerae isolates carried the virulence-associated genes like ctxa, tcpa, ace, and zot. molecular typing by repetitive sequence based eric, vcr1, and vc1 pcr's revealed similar ...200919229498
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