
transferable plasmid-mediated drug resistance among non-o1 vibrio cholerae and rough strains of vibrio cholerae from tamilnadu, india.a total of 289 non-o1 vibrio cholerae (nvc) strains and 20 rough v. cholerae (rvc) strains isolated in an endemic area were tested for antibiotic resistance and for transferable r-plasmids. twenty three per cent of nvc and 40% of the rvc isolates were found to be resistant to one or more drugs. eight nvc and four rvc strains possessed multiple drug resistance, varying from four to eight drugs. the common spectrum found in nvc isolates were chloramphenicol and streptomycin (cs) or chloramphenicol ...19846607275
a study on vibrio cholerae strains isolated in tamil nadu during 1976-79. 19807228170
studies on the genesis of vibrio cholerae o139: identification of probable progenitor strains.four lines of evidence suggest that the recent outbreak strains of vibrio cholerae o139 could have emerged from serogroup o1 strains typified by isolates m01 and m0477 described in this paper, which are neither truly classical nor truly e1 tor in their biotype attributes. firstly, like all o139 isolates, these o1 strains, isolated in madras during and before the o139 outbreak, were resistant not only to polymyxin b but also to all biotype-specific choleraphages, i.e. classical phage phi 149 and ...19957739019
a retrospective analysis of the madras epidemic of non-01 vibrio cholerae new serogroup 0139 bengal.during the recent epidemic of cholera in madras from october-december 1992, a total of 11,100 patients with acute secretory diarrhoea have been admitted to the communicable diseases hospital, madras, when compared to a total of 2,440 patients admitted during the pre-epidemic period studied between january - september 1992. a novel strain of non-01 v. cholerae was found to be the most predominant agent during the epidemic period. a representative sample of 84 non-01 strains isolated during the ep ...19957751049
epidemiology & molecular biology of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal.the emergence of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal as the second aetiologic agent of epidemic cholera in october 1992 in the south indian coastal city of madras has shattered the long-held notion that only v. cholerae belonging to serogroup o1 are capable of causing epidemic (and pandemic) cholera. within months of its appearance in madras, v. cholerae o139 engulfed the entire indian subcontinent in a series of outbreaks of cholera. it also spread to several neighbouring countries in asia. several wes ...19968783504
emerging & re-emerging bacterial pathogens in spite of major successes against infectious diseases in the 20th century, new infectious diseases have emerged and old ones re-emerged in recent decades in different parts of the world. a brief survey of emerging and re-emerging bacterial diseases of public health importance in india is presented in this paper. plague re-appeared in two outbreaks in maharashtra and gujarat in 1994, indicating a breakdown of the public health measures that had prevented its occurrence for several decades. lept ...19968926026
incidence & enteropathogenicity of aeromonas spp in children suffering from acute diarrhoea in chennai.a total of 200 stool samples from children below 10 yr suffering from diarrhoea were screened for enteric pathogens with special interest on aeromonas. aeromonas spp were isolated from 6.5 per cent of the patients, comprising 4 per cent a. hydrophila, 2 per cent a. sobria and 0.5 per cent a. caviae. among the 13 isolates obtained, 10 isolates produced enterotoxin in ligated rabbit ileal loops, and 11 produced cytotoxin in hep 2 cells. many of the aeromonas isolates exhibited resistance to common ...19989701892
aetiology of cholera in tamil nadu: recent observations.vibrio cholerae was isolated from 1008 of 3496 stool samples (28.8%) examined in tamil nadu state, india, between november 1992 and december 1995. during november and december 1992, 363 of the 370 isolates serotyped (98%) were v. cholerae o139 (bengal). the epidemic predominantly affected adults (91%; 597/656). both v. cholerae o1 and o139 serotypes were sometimes isolated in the same locality from different individuals. from january 1993 onwards, the rate of isolation of v. cholerae o139 declin ...19989764321
bacteriological profile of cholera in tamil nadu (1980-2001).in addition to vibrio cholerae o1, a recently emerged non-o1 serotype, v. cholerae o139 has also been found to be responsible for epidemics of cholera. in the context of the changing etiology of cholera, the occurrence of different serotypes, biotypes and phage types of v. cholerae in tamil nadu is presented.200212807153
enterotoxigenicity screening of viable environmental vibrio cholerae strains from rainwater pools in a university campus in chennai, south india.vibrio spp., being primarily inhabitants of the aquatic environment, pose a severe health threat to humans. this problem is escalated in developing countries where water-logging after rainfall is very common. therefore, screening of environmental water samples for the presence of clinically important species of vibrio becomes essential.201121231812
Spinosad and neem seed kernel extract as bio-controlling agents for malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi and non-biting midge, Chironomus circumdatus.Midge egg masses are reported to support non-pathogenic strains of the cholera pathogen, Vibrio cholera (V. cholera). Mosquito born diseases have been reported to cause millions of death worldwide. The present research reveals the toxicity effect of spinosad and neem seed kernel extract (NSKE) against different larval stages of Anopheles stephensi (An. stephensi) and Chironomus circumdatus (Ch. circumdatus).201121914538
characterization and structure elucidation of antibacterial compound of streptomyces sp. ecr77 isolated from east coast of india.forty marine actinobacteria were isolated from the sediments of east coast (bay of bengal) region of tamilnadu, india. morphologically distinct colonies were primarily tested against fish pathogenic bacteria such as vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus, pseudomonas fluorescens and aeromonas hydrophila by cross-streak plate method. the secondary metabolites produced by the highly potential strain cultured on starch casein broth were extracted separately with various solvents suc ...201525656264
virulence and multidrug resistance patterns of vibrio cholerae o1 isolates from diarrheal outbreaks of south india during 2006-2009.a total of 31 vibrio cholerae o1 (4- inaba and 27- ogawa serotype) isolates collected during a three-year period (2006-2009) from acute diarrheal cases in tamil nadu, india were analyzed for antibiotic resistance profiling, virulence-associated factors, genetic profiling by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence polymerase chain reaction (eric pcr), and biofilm-forming ability. antibiotic resistance profile revealed that most of the strains have become multidrug-resistant strai ...201323289410
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