
o-antigenic lipopolysaccharide of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal, a new epidemic strain for recent cholera in the indian subcontinent.lipopolysaccharide (lps) from vibrio cholerae o139 bengal contained colitose (3,6-dideoxy-l-galactose) in addition to glucose, l-glycero-d-manno-heptose, fructose, glucosamine and quinovosamine in its polysaccharide and only glucosamine in lipid a, while perosamine, a characteristic component sugar of v. cholerae o1 lps, was absent. 3-hydroxydodecanoic, tetradecanoic and hexadecanoic acids as ester-bound fatty acids and 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acid as amide-bound fatty acid were identified in the ...19937504475
molecular analysis of rrna and cholera toxin genes carried by the new epidemic strain of toxigenic vibrio cholerae o139 synonym bengal.vibrio cholerae o139 synonym bengal recently caused large epidemics of cholera-like disease in bangladesh and india. we compared the restriction fragment length polymorphisms of ctxa and rrna genes (ribotypes) in 27 isolates of v. cholerae o139 from patients in bangladesh and india with those of 48 isolates of v. cholerae o1 from patients and 21 v. cholerae isolates from surface waters in bangladesh, which included 2 o139 and 19 other non-o1 isolates. ribotyping of the isolates with bgli reveale ...19947517950
colonization ability & intestinal pathology of rabbits orally fed with vibrio cholerae o139 bengal.the colonization ability of a representative epidemic strain of v. cholerae o139 bengal was studied in the oral rabbit colonization model and the nature of colonization in the ileal and jejunal tissues was examined ultrastructurally. results of the colonization study and ileal loop assay indicated that the strain proliferates and colonizes the small intestine of the rabbit mucosal surface. further, the electronmicroscopic study revealed the disruptive effect of the strain on the apical membrane ...19957729849
a retrospective analysis of the madras epidemic of non-01 vibrio cholerae new serogroup 0139 bengal.during the recent epidemic of cholera in madras from october-december 1992, a total of 11,100 patients with acute secretory diarrhoea have been admitted to the communicable diseases hospital, madras, when compared to a total of 2,440 patients admitted during the pre-epidemic period studied between january - september 1992. a novel strain of non-01 v. cholerae was found to be the most predominant agent during the epidemic period. a representative sample of 84 non-01 strains isolated during the ep ...19957751049
vibrio cholerae o1 vibriocidal and anti-cholera toxin antibodies in o139 bengal cholera patients. 19947806891
vibrio cholerae o139 synonym bengal in hong kong. 19947811886
bengal: el tor cholera vibrio in a new robe. 19947823808
epidemic of vibrio cholerae 0139 in one of large outbreaks of cholera-like illness in the indian subcontinent, calcutta and its neighbouring areas experienced an unprecedented epidemic due to a new strain of v. cholerae non-01, designated as v. cholerae 0139 bengal, since january 1993. this epidemic predominantly affected the adult population of calcutta as evidenced by the hospitalization of more adults at the infectious disease hospital, calcutta (idh), which bore the main brunt of the epidemic in and around calcutta. during ...19947829152
enteropathogens associated with acute diarrhoeal diseases.five types of escherichia coli are responsible for as much as 25% of all diarrheal diseases in developing countries. they tend to be transmitted via contaminated foods, particularly weaning foods, and water. they include enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic, enteroadherent, enteroinvasive, and enterohemorrhagic e. coli. shigella species are responsible for 10-15% of acute diarrheas in children less than 5 years old and the most common etiologic agents of childhood dysentery. shigellosis is common i ...19947835992
vibrio cholerae o139 bengal: the eighth pandemic strain of cholera. 19947835993
diversity of dna sequences among vibrio cholerae o139 bengal detected by pcr-based dna fingerprinting.vibrio cholerae o139, a causative agent of a large epidemic of cholera-like illness, has suddenly emerged and spread widely over several months. to investigate the characteristics unique to o139, traditional typing techniques for v. cholerae, such as biochemical characteristics, antibiotic susceptibility and detection of toxin production, were performed, with the result that 145 o139 strains, except for two o139 strains isolated from argentina and germany, were indistinguishable from o1 strains. ...19957896075
vibrio cholerae 0139 'bengal' in singapore.vibrio cholerae 0139 was isolated from five patients with cholera-like illness. all were imported cases. laboratory investigations found our five isolates in show similar morphological, biochemical and serological characteristics to the v. cholerae 0139 strains causing epidemics in bangladesh and india. our isolates were toxin producers resistant to streptomycin and co-trimoxazole. no local transmission was known to have occurred following introduction of these imported cases.19947932928
vibrio cholerae o139 bengal isolated from india, bangladesh and thailand are clonal as determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. 19947963625
the novel epidemic strain o139 is closely related to the pandemic strain o1 of vibrio cholerae.a new vibrio cholerae serogroup o139 strain of unknown origin recently emerged in india and bangladesh, causing a major outbreak of cholera. the genetic relationship between this epidemic strain and the o1 strain responsible for the 7th pandemic of cholera was studied by analyzing the dna polymorphism of v. cholerae by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction. the restriction patterns of the reference strain o139 bengal and 10 wild o139 strains isolated e ...19948077733
spread of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal in india.vibrio cholerae serogroup o139 bengal, a novel strain with epidemic potential, completely displaced v. cholerae serogroup 01 in calcutta in january 1993, which was followed by an epidemic caused by v. cholerae o139 in march-may 1993. from november 1992 to july 1993, 95.6% of 916 v. cholerae isolates submitted to the national institute of cholera and enteric diseases from 28 locations in india were confirmed as serogroup o139. as of july 1993, v. cholerae o139 had been isolated from 13 indian sta ...19948169387
personal reflections on the discovery of vibrio cholerae 0139 synonym bengal: a tribute to team work and international collaboration. 19938188991
non-o1 vibrio cholerae o139 bengal is genetically related to v. cholerae o1 el tor ogawa isolated in mexico. 19948195632
nationwide prevalence of the new epidemic strain of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal in india. 19938370938
immunochemical aspects of lipopolysaccharide of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal, a new epidemic strain for recent, fast-spreading cholera in the indian subcontinent. 19958524922
[epidemic of cholera due to a new serogroup vibrio cholerae o139 bengal]. 19958544342
epidemiologic study of vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 in thailand: at the advancing edge of the eighth pandemic.vibrio cholerae o139 bengal emerged on the indian subcontinent in late 1992 and was first recognized in thailand in 1993. to characterize the epidemiology of this disease, a hospital-based case-control study was conducted in samutsakorn, a port city 30 km southwest of bangkok. between november 15, 1993, and june 3, 1994, 366 patients were confirmed to have cholera by culture, including 165 (45%) with o139 bengal, 191 (52%) with o1 ogawa, and 10 (3%) with both serogroups. during the same time per ...19968561160
development and testing of monoclonal antibody-based rapid immunodiagnostic test kits for direct detection of vibrio cholerae o139 synonym bengal.we report on the development and testing of two monoclonal antibody-based rapid immunodiagnostic test kits, bengalscreen, a coagglutination test, and bengal dfa, a direct fluorescent-antibody test, for direct detection of vibrio cholerae o139 synonym bengal in clinical and environmental specimens. the bengalscreen test requires less than 5 min to complete and can be used in the field. bengal dfa, being more sensitive than bengalscreen, requires only one reagent and less than 20 min for detection ...19958576349
faecal leucocytes in cholera due to vibrio cholerae o139 bengal. 19968708334
epidemiology & molecular biology of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal.the emergence of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal as the second aetiologic agent of epidemic cholera in october 1992 in the south indian coastal city of madras has shattered the long-held notion that only v. cholerae belonging to serogroup o1 are capable of causing epidemic (and pandemic) cholera. within months of its appearance in madras, v. cholerae o139 engulfed the entire indian subcontinent in a series of outbreaks of cholera. it also spread to several neighbouring countries in asia. several wes ...19968783504
resurgence of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal with altered antibiogram in calcutta, india. 19968888210
novel vibrio cholerae o139 genes involved in lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis.the sequence of part of the rfb region of vibrio cholerae serogroup o139 and the physical map of a 35-kb region of the o139 chromosome have been determined. the o139 rfb region presented contains a number of open reading frames which show similarities to other rfb and capsular biosynthesis genes found in members of the enterobacteriaceae family and in v. cholerae o1. the cloned and sequenced region can complement the defects in o139 antigen biosynthesis in transposon insertions within the o139 r ...19979098074
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae o1 biotype el tor strains isolated between 1992 and 1995 in calcutta, india: evidence for the emergence of a new clone of the el tor biotype.sixty-one clinical strains of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor isolated in calcutta before, during, and after the v. cholerae o139 bengal outbreak were examined to see if the o1 strains of the post-o139 period were different from those in existence before. comparison of the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the rrna genes (ribotyping) and the ctx genetic element revealed that all "before" strains except 1 belonged to a single known ribotype, whereas all "after" strains except 2 belonged to a ...19979129077
minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) of some antibiotics against vibrio cholerae o139 isolates from pondicherry.the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of vibrio cholerae o139, bengal, an emerging intestinal pathogen has been determined by the kirby bauer technique and the mic values of some antibiotics against these strains by agar dilution technique. all the strains were susceptible to tetracycline, norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and a majority was susceptible to gentamicin (95.7%) and nalidixic acid (82.9%). only 51% were susceptible to cefotaxime and most strains were resistant to furazolidone (95.7%), ampi ...19979287939
unique organization of the ctx genetic element in vibrio cholerae o139 strains which reemerged in calcutta, india, in september 1996.we studied the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the rrna gene and ctx genetic element in vibrio cholerae o139 bengal, which resurged in calcutta in september 1996 after a gap of 32 months. while the strains from this resurgence were indistinguishable from the earlier strains by ribotyping, the structure of the ctx genetic element present in the current o139 strains was found to be unconventional.19979399556
heterogeneity in the organization of the ctx genetic element in strains of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal isolated from calcutta, india and dhaka, bangladesh and its possible link to the dissimilar incidence of o139 cholera in the two locales.after a lapse of 33 months, vibrio cholerae o139, the new serogroup associated with cholera, has re-emerged in calcutta, india and has become the dominant serogroup causing cholera from september 1996. in neighbouring bangladesh, v. cholerae o1 biotype el tor continues to be the dominant cause of cholera with the o139 serogroup accounting for only a small proportion of cases. comparison of the phenotypic traits of representative o139 strains from calcutta and dhaka isolated between december 1996 ...19989514639
molecular epidemiology of reemergent vibrio cholerae o139 bengal in india.we report the prevalence of the o139 serogroup in calcutta, india, after its reemergence in august 1996 and the spread of the reemerged clone to other parts of the country by using previously established molecular markers. phenotypically, the reemerged vibrio cholerae o139 displayed a difference compared to those that appeared in late 1992 and 1993 in that the current o139 strains are sensitive to co-trimoxazole. ribotyping with the enzyme bgli produced two rrna restriction patterns in the o139 ...19989650989
typing and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of vibrio cholerae during six consecutive cholera seasons in north india.a total of 10,427 diarrhoeal stool specimens were cultured for vibrio cholerae between 1992 and 1997. the isolation rates were 2%, 2.6%, 6.7%, 7.08%, 0.9% and 2.6% in the years from 1992 to 1997 respectively. till 1992, vibrio cholerae 01 ogawa was the predominant strain. in 1993, 81.3% of the isolates were of 0139 bengal strain and the rest were v. cholerae 01. from 1994 to 1997, v. cholerae 01 ogawa was the predominant strain and there were no isolation of 0139 strain. the predominant phage ty ...19989752752
aetiology of cholera in tamil nadu: recent observations.vibrio cholerae was isolated from 1008 of 3496 stool samples (28.8%) examined in tamil nadu state, india, between november 1992 and december 1995. during november and december 1992, 363 of the 370 isolates serotyped (98%) were v. cholerae o139 (bengal). the epidemic predominantly affected adults (91%; 597/656). both v. cholerae o1 and o139 serotypes were sometimes isolated in the same locality from different individuals. from january 1993 onwards, the rate of isolation of v. cholerae o139 declin ...19989764321
clonal analysis of non-toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 associated with an outbreak of cholera.we examined the clonal relationships among eight clinical isolates of non-toxigenic (nt) v. cholerae o1 associated with a cluster of cases of cholera in warangal, andhra pradesh in south india and compared their relatedness to toxigenic o1 strains of classical and e1tor biotypes and with o139 bengal strains of v. cholerae by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge). phylogentic analysis of the noti restriction fragment length polymorphism showed that all the nt. v. cholerae o1 strains formed a ti ...199910491912
climate and infectious disease: use of remote sensing for detection of vibrio cholerae by indirect has long been known that cholera outbreaks can be initiated when vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, is present in drinking water in sufficient numbers to constitute an infective dose, if ingested by humans. outbreaks associated with drinking or bathing in unpurified river or brackish water may directly or indirectly depend on such conditions as water temperature, nutrient concentration, and plankton production that may be favorable for growth and reproduction of the bacterium ...200010677480
an el tor cholera outbreak in maldah district, west outbreak of cholera occurred in maldah district, west bengal during july-august 1998. attack rate was 34/1000. cases were more (59.3%) amongst adults (> 15 years.). v. cholerae 01 biotype e1 tor serotype ogawa was isolated as a single pathogen from 52.9% (9/17 samples examined). all v. cholerae strains belonged to phage type 2 (basu and mukherjee scheme) and type 27 (new phage type scheme). the strains were resistant to co-trimoxazole, furazolidone, ampicillin, streptomycin and nalidixic acid ...199910810587
cholera in its present day scenario.cholera existed in many parts of the world since olden days. gangetic delta is considered as the home of the disease. since 1970 there has been a significant development of the disease with its ecologic and epidemiologic aspects. vibrio cholerae non-01 strain in taxonomically separated from v cholerae 01 strain. though 01 strain causes epidemic outbreaks, still non-01 has been implicated to cause cholera like illness. while humans are long considered to be the only reservoir of v cholerae 01 str ...200011143856
outbreak of cholera caused by vibrio cholerae 01 intermediately resistant to norfloxacin at malda, west bengal.during the end of september 1997, an unusual outbreak of severe dehydrating watery diarrhoea cases and deaths were reported from malda town. vibrio cholerae 01 el tor, the causative agent responsible for this episode was isolated from 56.5% of cases sampled. three of the five drinking water samples were also positive for v cholerae 01. majority of cases were adults. isolated strains were uniformly resistant to furazolidone and intermediately to norfloxacin. indiscriminate use of antibiotic shoul ...200011143861
a localised outbreak of vibrio cholerae o139 in kolkata, west explosive outbreak of diarrhoeal disease which occurred in the baishnabghata, patuli area of kolkata municipal corporation during september 28 to october 12, 2000, was investigated by a team from the national institute of cholera and enteric diseases, kolkata, to identify the causative agent and determine the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern.200212239837
severe cholera outbreak following floods in a northern district of west explosive epidemic of cholera in the district of malda in the state of west bengal, was induced by devastating floods resulting from overflowing of the two main rivers of the district, at the end of july 1998, affecting 15 blocks and 2 municipalities. diarrhoeal outbreak occurred around the middle of august after receding of the flood waters. within two weeks of its onset, the outbreak spread throughout the district. an investigation was conducted to understand the epidemiological characteris ...200012452126
emergence and evolution of vibrio cholerae o139.the emergence of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal during 1992-1993 was associated with large epidemics of cholera in india and bangladesh and, initially, with a total displacement of the existing v. cholerae o1 strains. however, the o1 strains reemerged in 1994 and initiated a series of disappearance and reemergence of either of the two serogroups that was associated with temporal genetic and phenotypic changes sustained by the strains. since the initial emergence of the o139 vibrios, new variants of ...200312538850
molecular characterization of vibrio cholerae o139 bengal isolated from water and the aquatic plant eichhornia crassipes in the river ganga, varanasi, india.a collection of ten strains of vibrio cholerae o139, comprising six isolates from eichhornia crassipes, two from water of the river ganga, and one each from a well and a hand pump, were characterized. all the strains carried the ctx genetic element (ctxa, zot, and ace) except for the st gene and carried structural and regulatory genes for toxin-coregulated pilus (tcpa, tcpi, and toxr), adherence factor (ompu), and accessory colonization factor (acfb); all produced cholera toxin (ct). these strai ...200312676727
progress in the prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases since independence.acute diarrhoeal diseases constitute one of the major health problems among young children in india. it was estimated in 1978 that 1.5 million children under the age of 5 years die due to diarrhoea every year, which declined to 0.6-0.7 million in the estimate revised in 1992. a similar declining trend has also been noted in hospitalized cases in calcutta (present kolkata) during 1980-95 as well as from other parts of india. even today, cholera epidemics occur regularly in india. the cholera epid ...200312816201
the burden of cholera in the slums of kolkata, india: data from a prospective, community based conduct a prospective, community based study in an impoverished urban site in kolkata (formerly calcutta) in order to measure the burden of cholera, describe its epidemiology, and search for potential risk factors that could be addressed by public health strategies.200515964861
outbreak of cholera in & around chandigarh during two successive years (2002, 2003).outbreaks of cholera caused by vibrio cholerae o1 ogawa occurred in and around chandigarh during two successive year 2002 and 2003. this study highlights the antibiotic sensitivity and phage typing pattern of v. cholerae isolates during 2002 and 2003.200516456254
histopathological changes in experimental cholera with a non toxigenic non- o1 non-o139 vibrio cholerae strain isolated from kolkata, india.this study was conducted to understand the pathophysiological changes in experimental rabbit ileal loop model using the vibrio cholerae strain non-o1non-o139, isolated as sole pathogen from clinically diagnosed cholera patients in kolkata. significant amount of haemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in all the test loops of rabbit model where the strain of v.cholerae was inoculated as compared to control loops. microscopic examination of the accumulated fluid showed the presence of erythro ...200616538861
epidemiological, microbiological & electron microscopic study of a cholera outbreak in a kolkata slum community.epidemics of cholera caused by vibrio cholerae o1 or o139 have been reported from different parts of india. factors such as unsafe water supply, poor environmental sanitation, indiscriminate defaecation and lack of personal hygiene are mainly responsible for continued transmission of this disease. we report here epidemiological and microbiological findings of a localized outbreak of cholera, which occurred during march and april 2004 in the eastern part of kolkata city.200616567865
distribution and characterization of integrons in various serogroups of vibrio cholerae strains isolated from diarrhoeal patients between 1992 and 2000 in kolkata, india.a total of 133 clinical strains of vibrio cholerae comprising 44 strains of o1, 45 strains of o139 and 44 strains of non-o1, non-o139 serogroups isolated from hospitalized patients in kolkata, india, from 1992 to 2000 was examined for the presence of class 1, 2 and 4 integrons. by pcr and dna sequencing, seven strains of o1, one strain of o139 and six strains of non-o1, non-o139 serogroups were found to contain class 1 integron-harbouring genes aada1, aada2 (encoding resistance to streptomycin a ...200616585645
phenotypic and genotypic traits and epidemiological implication of vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 strains in india during 2003.during 2003, vibrio cholerae o1 ogawa was the predominant serotype among diarrhoeal patients admitted to different hospitals in india. with the exception of 3 strains from kolkata, none of 172 strains examined exhibited resistance to tetracycline, but 45.7 % showed reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. extensive molecular characterization using randomly amplified polymorphic dna analysis, ribotyping and pfge revealed that almost all the strains within a serogroup were clonally related. along ...200717510270
intestinal parasitism and vibrio cholerae infection among diarrhoeal patients in kolkata, this study, we have analysed the epidemiological significance of the concurrent infections caused by vibrio cholerae and intestinal parasites among different age groups of hospitalized diarrhoeal patients in kolkata. a total of 3556 stool samples collected during 1996-2004 were screened for vibrios and parasites. the seasonality of v. cholerae and parasitic infections were studied in detail. the detection rates for ascaris lumbricoides and giardia lamblia infection were more than for the hook ...200817594735
occurrence, significance & molecular epidemiology of cholera outbreaks in west bengal.diarrhoeal disease outbreaks are causes of major public health emergencies in india. we carried out investigation of two cholera outbreaks, for identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, phage typing and molecular characterization of isolated vibrio cholerae o1, and to suggest prevention and control measures.200717704555
molecular characterization of recent vibrio cholerae o1, el tor, inaba strains isolated from hospitalized patients in kolkata, study the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of newly emerged v. cholerae o1, inaba strains isolated from patients with diarrhoea.200717854903
emergence of tetracycline-resistant vibrio cholerae o1 serotype inaba, in kolkata, india.out of 2,235 diarrheal stool samples collected from patients admitted to the infectious diseases hospital, kolkata, 343 cases were positive for vibrio cholerae (341, v. cholerae o1 and 2, o139). during the year 2004, infections caused by v. cholerae serotype ogawa and inaba were 93 and 7%, respectively, while in 2005, the inaba isolation rate rose to 88% as compared to 12% for ogawa. susceptibility to antimicrobial agents revealed that the o1 strains were resistant to multiple antibiotics (ampic ...200818362401
molecular epidemiological studies of vibrio cholerae in bengal region.vibrio cholerae isolates from environmental and clinical origins in the bengal region in which epidemics of cholera break out periodically were analyzed with particular emphasis on the molecular epidemiological features. the presence of the virulence genes (ctxa, tcpa and toxr) in the isolates was analyzed by the pcr (polymerase chain reaction) method. pfge (pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) was performed to determine the clonal relationships between the clinical and environmental strains. antib ...200818432110
a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the bivalent killed, whole-cell, oral cholera vaccine in adults and children in a cholera endemic area in kolkata, effective vaccine against cholera has been used for public health purposes in vietnam since the 1990s. this vaccine was reformulated to meet who requirements. we assessed the safety and immunogenicity of the reformulated bivalent (vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139) killed whole cell oral vaccine in a cholera endemic area in kolkata, india.200818523643
putative virulence traits and pathogenicity of vibrio cholerae non-o1, non-o139 isolates from surface waters in kolkata, india.vibrio cholerae non-o1, non-o139 was isolated from natural surface waters from different sites sampled in diarrhea endemic zones in kolkata, india. twenty-one of these isolates were randomly selected and included in the characterization. the multiserogroup isolates were compared by their virulence traits with a group of clinical non-o1, non-o139 isolates from the same geographic area. of the 21 environmental isolates, 6 and 14 strains belonged to heiberg groups i and ii, respectively. three of t ...200818641168
trend of antibiotic resistance of vibrio cholerae strains from east delhi.epidemics of cholera caused by toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 (bengal strain) represent a major public health problem in most developing countries. in view of the reported shift in epidemiology and pattern of antibiotic resistance in this was study carried out to assess the development of resistance to essential drugs like fluoroquinolones during treatment of cholera and cholera like cases in delhi.200818653912
inapparent infections and cholera many infectious diseases, an unknown fraction of infections produce symptoms mild enough to go unrecorded, a fact that can seriously compromise the interpretation of epidemiological records. this is true for cholera, a pandemic bacterial disease, where estimates of the ratio of asymptomatic to symptomatic infections have ranged from 3 to 100 (refs 1-5). in the absence of direct evidence, understanding of fundamental aspects of cholera transmission, immunology and control has been based on ass ...200818704085
environmental signatures associated with cholera epidemics.the causative agent of cholera, vibrio cholerae, has been shown to be autochthonous to riverine, estuarine, and coastal waters along with its host, the copepod, a significant member of the zooplankton community. temperature, salinity, rainfall and plankton have proven to be important factors in the ecology of v. cholerae, influencing the transmission of the disease in those regions of the world where the human population relies on untreated water as a source of drinking water. in this study, the ...200819001267
classical ctxb in vibrio cholerae o1, kolkata, india. 200919116078
vibrio cholerae o1 clinical strains isolated in 1992 in kolkata with progenitor traits of the 2004 mozambique variant.retrospective analysis led to the detection of two vibrio cholerae variant o1 strains (vc51 and vc53), which were isolated in 1992 in kolkata from clinical cases, with identical traits to 2004 mozambique variant o1 strains. the mozambique o1 strains that caused a huge outbreak in 2004 have been shown to have phenotypic traits of both classical and el tor biotypes, and thereby have been reported as variant. our study demonstrated that two o1 strains isolated in kolkata during 1992 were of the el ...200919141743
incidence, virulence factors, and clonality among clinical strains of non-o1, non-o139 vibrio cholerae isolates from hospitalized diarrheal patients in kolkata, india.the incidence of vibrio cholerae non-o1, non-o139 strains from hospitalized patients with acute diarrhea constituted 27.4% (n = 54) of the total 197 v. cholerae strains isolated from patients in kolkata, india, in 2003. of 197 strains, 135 were identified as o1 serotype ogawa and 2 were identified as o139. in the same time period, six o1 background rough strains that possessed all known virulence factors were identified. serotype analysis of the non-o1, non-o139 strains placed 42 strains into 19 ...200919158257
surveillance of vibriophages reveals their role as biomonitoring agents in kolkata.cholera is a public health threat in all developing countries. kolkata, a city in eastern india, is an endemic zone for cholera. during the course of a comprehensive investigation on the distribution of phages of vibrio cholerae o1 and o139 in freshwater bodies in kolkata, we were able to isolate the phages of v. cholerae o1 and o139. vibrio cholerae o1 phages were found at all the sites and exhibited a distinct seasonal cycle, with a primary peak (13.6-17.2 pfu ml(-1)) during monsoon (june to a ...200919220862
randomized placebo controlled human volunteer trial of a live oral cholera vaccine va1.3 for safety and immune response.a live oral cholera vaccine developed from a non-toxigenic vibrio cholerae o1 el tor strain va1.3 was tested in a double-blind randomized placebo controlled study for safety and immunogenicity in 304 men aged between 16 and 50 years from kolkata, india. a dose of 5 x 10(9)cfu (n=186) or a placebo (n=116) containing the diluent buffer was administered. the vaccine did not elicit adverse events except in two vaccine recipients with mild diarrhoea and vomiting. none excreted the vaccine strain. vib ...200919523608
cholera outbreak secondary to contaminated pipe water in an urban area, west bengal, india, 2006.outbreaks of cholera are common in west bengal. in april 2006, garulia municipality reported a cluster of diarrhea cases. we investigated this cluster to identify the etiological agent, source of transmission and propose control measures. we defined a case of diarrhea as occurrence of > or =3 loose/watery stools a day among the residents of garulia since april 2006. we searched for cases of diarrhea in health care facilities and health camp. we conducted a gender- and age-matched case-control st ...200919696991
pathogenic potential of aeromonas hydrophila isolated from surface waters in kolkata, india.members of the genus aeromonas (family aeromonadaceae) are medically important, gram-negative, rod-shaped micro-organisms and are ubiquitous in aquatic environments. aeromonas species are increasingly recognized as enteric pathogens; they possess several virulence factors associated with human disease, and represent a serious public health concern. in the present study, putative virulence traits of aeromonas hydrophila isolates collected from different natural surface waters of kolkata, india, w ...200919713362
immune responses following one and two doses of the reformulated, bivalent, killed, whole-cell, oral cholera vaccine among adults and children in kolkata, india: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.immune responses after one and two doses of the reformulated killed oral cholera vaccine were measured in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 77 adults aged 18-40 years and 77 children aged 1-17 years residing in kolkata, india. 65% of adults and 87% of children and 46% of adults and 82% of children exhibited a > or =4-fold rise in serum vibrio cholerae o1 vibriocidal antibody titers from baseline following dose 1 and 2, respectively. responses to v. cholerae o139 were less p ...200919761838
efficacy and safety of a modified killed-whole-cell oral cholera vaccine in india: an interim analysis of a cluster-randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.oral cholera vaccines consisting of killed whole cells have been available for many years, but they have not been used extensively in populations with endemic disease. an inexpensive, locally produced oral killed-whole-cell vaccine has been used in high-risk areas in vietnam. to expand the use of this vaccine, it was modified to comply with who standards. we assessed the efficacy and safety of this modified vaccine in a population with endemic cholera.200919819004
genetic analysis of ctx prophages with special reference to ctxb and rstr alleles of vibrio cholerae o139 strains isolated from kolkata over a decade.chronological analysis of 125 vibrio cholerae o139 strains isolated during 1993-2005 in kolkata revealed the prevalence of two new genotypes of cholera toxin (ct) and novel combinations of ctxb and rstr alleles resulting in variant ctx prophages. one of the new genotypes of ctxb, which first appeared in 1996 with the re-emerged v. cholerae o139 strains that had ctx calcutta phage, was designated as genotype 4. in 1998, another new genotype, designated as genotype 5, was detected that prevailed m ...201020030720
toxigenic vibrio cholerae from environmental sources associated with the cholera outbreak after 'aila' cyclone in west bengal, india.west bengal experienced a devastating storm named 'aila' in its coastal and southern districts. we attempted to understand the transmission dynamics emphasizing on potable water to detect the presence of toxigenic strains of vibrio cholerae, followed by the natural devastation.201020536711
is vibrio fluvialis emerging as a pathogen with epidemic potential in coastal region of eastern india following cyclone aila?an isolated area with diarrhoea epidemic was explored at pakhirala village of the sundarbans, a coastal region of south 24 parganas district of west bengal, eastern india. the pakhirala village was surrounded by other villages affected by a similar epidemic. the affected villages experienced this epidemic following the cyclone aila, which had hit the coastal region of the sundarbans in eastern india. in pakhirala, the situation was the worst. within a span of six weeks (5 june-20 july 2009), 3,5 ...201020824973
emergence and progression of vibrio cholerae o1 el tor variants and progenitor strains of mozambique variants in kolkata, india.analysis of 75 vibrio cholerae o1 strains isolated from hospitalized patients in kolkata from 1989 to 1994 revealed the existence of true el tor along with el tor variants that possessed the classical allele of ctxb (ctxb(cl)) in strains having an el tor backbone. based on the existence of different combinations of ctxb and rstr alleles and their localization sites in the genome, these strains were classified into multiple genetic groups. of 75 clinical strains, 11 were identified as non-toxigen ...201121247801
waterborne cholera outbreak following cyclone aila in sundarban area of west bengal, india, 2009.following cyclone aila, a block of sundarban area, west bengal, india, reported an increased number of diarrhoea cases at the end of may 2009. this study was performed to identify the agent and source of the outbreak as well as to propose control measures. the outbreak is described by time, place and person. a matched case-control study was conducted and rectal swabs and water specimens were collected. in total, 1076 probable case patients and 14 deaths (attack rate 44/10 000) were identified. v ...201121353273
tetracycline-resistant vibrio cholerae o1, kolkata, india. 201121392467
influence of relative humidity in vibrio cholerae infection: a time series model.spread of cholera in west bengal is known to be related to its ecosystem which favours vibrio cholerae. incidence of cholera has not been correlated with temperature, relative humidity and rainfall, which may act as favourable factors. the aim of this study was to investigate the relational impact of climate changes on cholera.201121415487
monitoring of multiple drug-resistant pathogens in a selected stretch of bay of bengal, india.the present work aims at identification of multiple drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria in a selected stretch, namely, puri on the bay of bengal, india. six stations at the coast of puri were selected and samples of water and sediment were collected during the winter of 2008 and 2009 for this study. thirty-eight pathogenic bacteria were isolated and identified from both the water and the sediment of 6 fixed stations (pu-1a, pu-1b, pu-2, pu-3, pu-4, and pu-5). the identified pathogens were escheri ...201121424669
diarrheagenic pathogens in polymicrobial infections.during systematic active surveillance of the causes of diarrhea in patients admitted to the infectious diseases and beliaghata general hospital in kolkata, india, we looked for 26 known gastrointestinal pathogens in fecal samples from 2,748 patients. samples from about one-third (29%) of the patients contained multiple pathogens. polymicrobial infections frequently contained vibrio cholerae o1 and rotavirus. when these agents were present, some co-infecting agents were found significantly less o ...201121470448
the 2010 outbreak of cholera among workers of a jute mill in kolkata, west bengal, india.on 10 march 2010, an outbreak of diarrhoeal disease was reported among workers of a jute mill in kolkata, west bengal, india. the cluster was investigated to identify the agent(s) and the source of infection and make recommendations. a suspected case of cholera was defined as having >3 loose watery stools in a 24-hour period and searched for case-patients in the workers' colony. the outbreak was described by time, place, and person, and a case-control study was conducted to identify the source o ...201121528785
rapid situation & response assessment of diarrhoea outbreak in a coastal district following tropical cyclone aila in india.background & objectives : cyclone aila hit indian states on eastern coast on may 25, 2009. an investigation was conducted to examine if aila was responsible for increased reporting of diarrhoea cases from the district of east-medinipur in west bengal. identifying causative organisms for diarrhoea and assessing their antibiotic susceptibility profile were other objectives. methods: rapid situation and response assessment technique was employed to triangulate primary and secondary data collected t ...201121537092
efficacy of a low-cost, inactivated whole-cell oral cholera vaccine: results from 3 years of follow-up of a randomized, controlled trial.killed oral cholera vaccines (ocvs) have been licensed for use in developing countries, but protection conferred by licensed ocvs beyond two years of follow-up has not been demonstrated in randomized, clinical trials.201122028938
culture-independent real-time pcr reveals extensive polymicrobial infections in hospitalized diarrhoea cases in kolkata, india.clin microbiol infect abstract: culture-independent identification of diarrhoeal aetiological agents was performed using dna harvested from diarrhoeal stool specimens with sybr-green-based real-time pcr targeting vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, campylobacter spp., shigella spp. and three different pathotypes of diarrhoeagenic escherichia coli. conventional culture-dependent methods detected bacterial enteropathogens in 68 of 122 diarrhoeal stool specimens. of 68 specimens, 59 (86.8%) h ...201122268636
characterization and structure elucidation of antibacterial compound of streptomyces sp. ecr77 isolated from east coast of india.forty marine actinobacteria were isolated from the sediments of east coast (bay of bengal) region of tamilnadu, india. morphologically distinct colonies were primarily tested against fish pathogenic bacteria such as vibrio cholerae, v. parahaemolyticus, v. alginolyticus, pseudomonas fluorescens and aeromonas hydrophila by cross-streak plate method. the secondary metabolites produced by the highly potential strain cultured on starch casein broth were extracted separately with various solvents suc ...201525656264
comparative genome analysis of vsp-ii and snps reveals heterogenic variation in contemporary strains of vibrio cholerae o1 isolated from cholera patients in kolkata, india.cholera is an acute diarrheal disease and a major public health problem in many developing countries in asia, africa, and latin america. since the bay of bengal is considered the epicenter for the seventh cholera pandemic, it is important to understand the genetic dynamism of vibrio cholerae from kolkata, as a representative of the bengal region. we analyzed whole genome sequence data of v. cholerae o1 isolated from cholera patients in kolkata, india, from 2007 to 2014 and identified the heterog ...201728192431
high prevalence of toxin producing enteropathogenic vibrios among estuarine crab in ganges delta of west bengal, india. 201424927645
seasonal dynamics of vibrio cholerae and its phages in riverine ecosystem of gangetic west bengal: cholera paradigm.the gangetic delta is a century-old cholera endemic belt where the role of riverine-estuarine ecosystem in cholera transmission has never been elucidated. seasonality, distribution, and abundance of environmental vibrio cholerae o1/o139 and vibriophage in hooghly riverine-estuarine environment and their correlation with cholera incidence pattern in west bengal, india, have been analyzed for the first time across summer, monsoon, and winter months. a total of 146 water samples collected from two ...201424869952
cholera outbreaks in the classical biotype the indian subcontinent description of a disease resembling cholera has been mentioned in sushruta samita, estimated to have been written between ~400 and 500 bc. it is however not clear whether the disease known today as cholera caused by vibrio cholerae vibrio cholerae o1 is the evolutionary progression of the ancient disease. the modern history of cholera began in 1817 when an explosive epidemic broke out in the ganges river delta region of bengal. this was the first of the seven recorded ...201424368696
cholera vaccine: new preventive tool for endemic countries.cholera is a major global public health problem and remains an important threat in almost every developing country, especially in areas where population overcrowding and poor sanitation are common, such as slums and refugee camps. cholera is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world, in some cases leading to death within 24 h if left untreated. without treatment, severe infection has a mortality rate of 30-50%. in 2007, who recorded 177,963 cholera cases and 4,031 deaths worldwide. however, ...201222634452
a rapidly-progressing outbreak of cholera in a shelter-home for mentally-retarded females, amta-ii block, howrah, west bengal, india.on 13 may 2010, a cluster of diarrhoeal disease cases was reported among the inmates of a shelter-home for mentally-retarded females in parbaksi village of howrah district in west bengal, india. the outbreak was investigated to identify the aetiological agent and source of infection and to propose recommendations. a suspected case of cholera was defined as an acute onset of >3 loose watery stools in a female resident of the shelter-home since 1 may 2010. the demographic and clinical details were ...201222524127
environmental vibrio cholerae non o1/ non o139 from the gangetic delta: a diarrhoeal disease purview.diarrhoea still remains an unsolved enigma in developing countries, a major concern for the health planners. we targeted the abundance and toxicity of vibrio cholerae non-o1/non-o139 (novc) in gangetic riverine-estuarine ecosystem. a total of 74 v. cholerae were isolated from 120 water samples (68 novc, 6 v. cholerae o1) from two sampling sites off river ganges. v. cholerae showed distinct seasonality, with steady increase from summer to monsoon, steep ascent in post-monsoon and an abrupt declin ...201728574285
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