
campylobacter infection associated with raw milk. an outbreak of gastroenteritis due to campylobacter jejuni and thermotolerant campylobacter fetus subsp fetus.raw milk is identified with increasing numbers of outbreaks of gastroenteritis and is an important vehicle for transmission of campylobacter infection. unlike campylobacter jejuni, campylobacter fetus subsp fetus has not been associated with common-source outbreaks of gastroenteritis. this report describes an outbreak of gastroenteritis involving c jejuni and a thermotolerant strain of c fetus subsp fetus associated with raw milk. fifteen (39%) of 38 persons who attended a banquet in wisconsin i ...19863753617
campylobacter infections in the united states. results of an 11-state january 1982, 11 states (alabama, arizona, georgia, illinois, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, texas, vermont, washington, and wisconsin) began reporting monthly their isolations of campylobacter to the centers for disease control in atlanta. the information reported included the species of campylobacter organisms, the week of the report, the site from which the organism was isolated, and the age and sex of the infected person. a total of 3,966 isolates were reported in 1982, of which 3,900 wer ...19846087756
seasonal study of a freshwater lake and migratory waterfowl for campylobacter the summer and fall of 1981, water and sediment samples from lake onalaska, a mississippi river navigation pool near la crosse, wisconsin, were quantitatively examined for campylobacter jejuni and for standard bacterial indicators of fecal pollution. fifty cecal content samples, representing seven species of transient waterfowl captured during fall migration, were also assayed for c. jejuni. fecal coliform and fecal streptococcus counts from the water and sediment samples agreed with previous ...19846488104
outbreak of campylobacter jejuni infections associated with drinking unpasteurized milk procured through a cow-leasing program--wisconsin, 2001.on december 7, 2001, the sawyer county department of health and human services in northwestern wisconsin notified the wisconsin division of public health about five cases of campylobacter jejuni enteritis. all of the ill persons drank unpasteurized milk obtained at a local dairy farm. this report summarizes the investigation of these and other cases and of a cow-leasing program used to circumvent regulations prohibiting the sale of unpasteurized milk in wisconsin. the outbreak highlights the haz ...200212118535
the wisconsin state laboratory of hygiene and emerging enteric the turn of the 20th century, typhoid fever was common in wisconsin, and was a major impetus for the establishment of the wisconsin state laboratory of hygiene (wslh) in 1903. by the 1940s, typhoid was virtually eliminated in the united states due to public health measures such as disinfection of drinking water, sewage treatment, pasteurization, and shellfish bed sanitation. however, new food and waterborne pathogens have emerged to take the place of salmonella typhi. infections with non-typh ...200314658567
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