
prevalence of virulence markers of enteric campylobacter in france and tunisia.forty-nine strains of campylobacter jejuni and c. coli were isolated from the stools of 49 patients clinically documented for diarrhoea and fever, and living either in the paris metropolitan area (30) or in the tunis area (19). the strains were identified biotyped, serotyped and studied for association with hela cells and the ability to elongate chinese ovary cells (cho). the c. jejuni biotype i was more frequent among tunisian strains and the c. jejuni biotype ii was more frequent among french ...19911947431
[acute diarrhoea due to campylobacter jejuni in children (author's transl)].a systematic search for campylobacter jejuni in stool cultures from children with acute diarrhoea showed within two months that the organism was present in 3 out of 17 children. apart from diarrhoea, the symptoms were different in each case: one child had febrile dysentery, another exhibited symptoms resembling appendicitis and the third one had chronic diarrhoea with denutrition. the condition regressed spontaneously in two cases and after erythromycin treatment in one. phase-contrast microscop ...19817220285
[prevalence and characteristics of guillain-barré syndromes associated with campylobacter jejuni and cytomegalovirus in greater paris].we aimed to study prevalence and features of campylobacter jejuni and cytomegalovirus (cmv)-associated guillain-barré syndromes (gbs) in a french care unit.200516084033
guillain-barré syndrome, greater paris area.we studied 263 cases of guillain-barré syndrome from 1996 to 2001, 40% of which were associated with a known causative agent, mainly campylobacter jejuni (22%) or cytomegalovirus (15%). the cases with no known agent (60%) peaked in winter, and half were preceded by respiratory infection, influenza-like syndrome, or gastrointestinal illness.200616707059
increased incidence of campylobacter jejuni-associated guillain-barré syndromes in the greater paris area.the role of campylobacter jejuni as the triggering agent of guillain-barré syndrome (gbs) has not been reassessed since the end of the 1990s in france. we report that the number of c. jejuni-related gbs cases increased continuously between 1996 and 2007 in the paris region (mean annual increment: 7%, p = 0·007).201424107359
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