
low incidence of campylobacter enteritis in northern a prospective survey carried out over 9 months in 1984 in the department of bacteriology, belfast city hospital, campylobacter jejuni was isolated from 24 out of 1200 faecal specimens (2%) from patients with acute diarrhoea. this isolation rate is much lower than that from other parts of mainland britain which report an isolation rate of between 8 and 15%. it is difficult to explain this large discrepancy but the limited availability of unpasteurized milk and the generally worse summer here ( ...19863794324
frequency of occurrence of campylobacter spp. in red meats and poultry in northern ireland and their subsequent subtyping using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and the random amplified polymorphic dna method.sampling of lamb (n = 100) and beef (n = 100) carcasses in abattoirs in northern ireland produced no evidence of campylobacter spp. contamination and when retail packs of beef (n = 50) and pork (n = 50) were sampled these were also apparently free of campylobacter spp. however, 38% of retail packs of chicken pieces (n = 120), yielded campylobacter spp. these packs were purchased over a period of 1 year and came from a single local producer. after the species of the isolates had been determined ( ...19989674121
outbreak of campylobacter food-poisoning in northern ireland. 200011168160
molecular diversity of campylobacter coli and c. jejuni isolated from pigs at slaughter by flaa-rflp analysis and ribotyping.a population of porcine isolates of camplobacter jejuni (n = 11) and c. coli (n = 17) were examined for genotypic relatedness employing ribotyping, as well as polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis of the flagellin (fla)a gene locus. pcr was employed to amplify a 533 bp fragment from the flaa gene, including the previously described short variable region (svr), employing the novel primers, a2 and al and successfully generated this amplicon for all ...200212449248
demonstration of the shorter flagellin (flaa) gene of urease-positive thermophilic campylobacter isolated from the natural environment in northern ireland.the pcr amplicons (about 1450 bp in length) of flaa gene fragments of 11 isolates of urease-positive thermophilic campylobacter (uptc) isolated from the natural environment not including wild birds in northern ireland were demonstrated to be shorter than those of c. jejuni 81116 and six isolates of c. jejuni and c. coli (about 1700 bp) isolated in northern ireland and japan. when the nucleotide lengths of the possible open reading frame (orf) of the flaa genes were determined, those from the 11 ...200617004648
antimicrobial resistance in campylobacter isolates from sporadic cases of acute human gastroenteritis in northern ireland. 200919568453
prevalence of campylobacter spp. in raw retail poultry on sale in northern ireland.a year-long survey of fresh, retail poultry products on sale in northern ireland was undertaken to define the prevalence of campylobacter spp. by using protocols based on iso (standard) 10272-1:2006. incubation at 37 and 42 degrees c was undertaken to increase the diversity of isolates obtained. overall, 652 isolates were identified as campylobacter spp. by using pcr and amplified fragment length polymorphic typing. phenotyping wrongly identified 21% of isolates. prevalences of campylobacter fou ...200919777882
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