
low-level fluoroquinolone resistance among campylobacter jejuni isolates in australia.ciprofloxacin-resistant campylobacter jejuni isolates obtained from infected patients in australia have not been detected in studies of isolates from specific geographic areas. the australian government has prohibited the use of fluoroquinolone in food-producing animals. to assess the impact of this policy, we have examined the antimicrobial susceptibility of isolates from 5 australian states.200616619147
longitudinal prevalence, faecal shedding and molecular characterisation of campylobacter spp. and salmonella enterica in sheep.faecal excretion of campylobacter spp. and salmonella enterica in sheep in australia was determined using a quantitative multiplex pcr (qpcr) targeting the campylobacter spp. purine biosynthesis gene (pura) and the s. enterica outer membrane protein (ompf). the mutiplex qpcr was specific and campylobacter spp. and s. enterica were each detected with a sensitivity of 5 organisms/µl faecal dna extract. this multiplex qpcr was used to determine the prevalence and concentration of campylobacter spp. ...201425175721
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