
isolation of campylobacter jejuni strains resistant to nalidixic acid and fluoroquinolones from children with diarrhea in athens, greece. 19938404924
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from hospitalized children in athens, greece.the antimicrobial susceptibility of 129 campylobacter jejuni strains, isolated from hospitalized children with gastroenteritis, to five antimicrobials, including nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, ampicillin and co-amoxiclav, was determined. isolates belonged to two time periods: group a contained strains isolated in 1987-1988; and group b 1998-2000. antimicrobial susceptibility patterns differed significantly between the two groups with respect to quinolones, with an increase in the p ...200212003974
the first database comprised of flagellin gene (flaa) types of campylobacter jejuni human clinical isolates from greece.flagellin subunit a gene (flaa) typing of campylobacter has been recognized by several groups as a relatively simple and quick genotyping method. the present study aimed to create, for the first time in greece, a database with flaa restriction patterns, which could be used for future epidemiological and clinical studies. a total of 207 c. jejuni clinical isolates of known serotype were collected from 5 general hospitals of the area of attica, during the period 2000-2003.200617111250
antimicrobial susceptibilities of campylobacter jejuni isolates from hospitalized children in athens, greece, collected during 2004-2005.a total of 170 campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from the stool of children with clinical gastroenteritis, aged from 3 months to 14 years, were collected during a two-year period (2004-2005). from the 170 strains 30% were resistant to ciprofloxacin (mic > or = 4 microg/ml), 55% to tetracycline (mic > 8 microg/ml), 13% to clindamycin (mic > or = 8 microg/ml), 4% to ampicillin (mic > 16 microg/ml), 6% to erythromycin (mic > or = 8 microg/ml), 4% to coamoxiclav (mic > or = 16/8 microg/ml) and 0 ...200717186400
risk factors for sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in children in a greek region.a case-control study was conducted in the urban area of attica, greece to investigate risk factors for sporadic campylobacter jejuni infections in children aged <15 years. over a 2-year period, 205 cases and 205 controls, matched by age group (<1, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14 years) and gender, were selected from the registries of the paediatric hospitals of this area. in conditional multivariate logistic regression analysis, ethnicity [odds ratio (or) 5·06, 95% confidence interval (ci) 2·49-10·28], consumpt ...201020492748
correlation between flagellin a (flaa) genotypes and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from children with gastroenteritis in athens, greece.campylobacter jejuni is one of the most common enteric pathogens worldwide. the bacterium is transmitted to humans via contaminated food and water. in the majority of cases the disease is self-limiting, but treatment is indicated in immunocompromised patents, in severe cases with septicemia, and in children. the subtyping of clinical, animal, and food c. jejuni isolates is very important for epidemiological studies. in the present study, 192 campylobacter jejuni isolates characterized by pulsed- ...200919925037
genotyping of human campylobacter jejuni isolates in greece by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis.pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (pfge) typing has been recognized by several groups as a relatively simple and quick method for genotyping of campylobacter jejuni (c. jejuni). the present study was carried out to determine the genetic variations among clinical isolates of c. jejuni from greece and to establish a database, which could be used for future epidemiological and clinical studies.200617154656
heat-stable antigen serotyping of campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from hospitalized children in athens, greece.a hundred and twentynine campylobacter jejuni strains isolated from hospitalized children with gastroenteritis were serotyped by the heat-stable antigen scheme (hs, penner's method). isolates belonged to two different periods. group a contained strains isolated in 1987-1988 and group b contained strains which were isolated in 1998-2000. a variety of serotypes was found. serotype hs:2 was predominant, followed by the hs:4 complex and hs:1,44. many clinically important guillain-barré syndrome asso ...200314620946
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