
sequence and phylogenetic analysis of sh, g, and f genes and proteins of human respiratory syncytial virus isolates from study the genetic variability and molecular epidemiology of human respiratory syncytial virus (hrsv) occurring in singapore, nucleotide sequencing of three membrane-associated genes (sh, g and f) of four local isolates was performed. comparison of their nucleotide and amino acid sequences with those of the prototype strains a2 (subgroup a) and ch-18537 (subgroup b) indicated that the singapore isolates belong to the subgroup a. comparison of the singapore isolates with the reference strain a2 ...200314524476
the incidence of human bocavirus infection among children admitted to hospital in singapore.human bocavirus (hbov) is a parvovirus, belonging to the genus bocavirus. the virus was identified recently in sweden, and has now been detected in several different countries. although it is associated with lower respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients, the incidence of hbov infection in a developed country in south east asia, has not been examined. the objective of this study was to determine the importance of hbov as a cause of lower respiratory tract infections among children admi ...200919031441
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