
some avian and mammalian hosts of amblyomma hebraeum and amblyomma marmoreum (acari: ixodidae).large numbers of birds, wild mammals and domestic stock from a variety of localities within the republic of south africa were examined for infestation with the ixodid ticks amblyomma hebraeum and amblyomma marmoreum. every warthog (phacochoerus aethiopicus), burchell's zebra (equus burchelli), impala (aepyceros melampus) and kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros) from the kruger national park in the north-eastern transvaal lowveld was infested with a. hebraeum. in the eastern cape province every helmet ...19873329327
lice on helmeted guinea fowls at five localities in south africa.a total of 234 helmeted guinea fowls, numida meleagris coronata, were examined for lice at five localities in south africa. these were the mountain zebra national park in the eastern karoo, cape province; the andries vosloo kudu reserve and the farm bucklands, in valley bushveld, eastern cape province; the bontebok national park, south-western cape province; and the southern part of the kruger national park, eastern transvaal lowveld. a total of eight louse species, comprising amyrsidea desousai ...19937970579
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